Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tamashii Exclusive Fake Sagittarius Cloth

zodiac of knightsLooking at the series when we first started to watch the show, the first thing we remember is that beautiful Sagittarius cloth on the galaxy wars.  Then when we found the bitter disappointment that the cloth was a fake, still the store was great none the less. Still one of the best moments in Saint Seiya history lives on our minds.  So many dioramas that were made to duplicated the galaxy wars but there was one piece missing, and that was the Sagittarius fake cloth.  Bandai has done it again with another great representation of the fake cloth that now is closer to home.
zodiac of knights
          As you may all know, this is a Tamashii Nation exclusive figure and its made for limited quantities but the figure is great none the less.  As we take a look at the package you see that the box comes with a cardboard box on top of the figure that is with most Tamashii nation exclusives.  As we take him out of the box you see a great view and display of the figure in human form and his object mode in the front of the box, it’s now standard for most saint seiya exclusives.  The side of the box it has a nice Sagittarius object symbol and it says “Saint Cloth Myth” and on the bottom it says Sagittarius Cloth.  As you turn the box to the back you see that it has a great picture of the Sagittarius cloth in object mode, which is the main feature Bandai is trying to promote.  Other part on the back display shows you the figure in human form and the exchangeable faces it has on this cloth.  The box opens from the side of the package which is a first for me doing reviews of myth cloth, but now it’s time to see the package.
          As you take the contents out of the box you see 2 plates stack on each other, we will call the top one A and the bottom one B.  On plate A you have the figure it self which is fully black molded and has no features, you have the extra face with Ikki and then you have most of the cloth parts.  On plate B you have most of the skeleton of the object mode which looks big for a skeleton.  It has some parts of the cloth and that’s much about it.  The instructions are a bit complicated for the object mode but nothing too fancy for it.  Most of the instructions go to the object mode side as you could see but the human form is still a nice touch and easy to follow instructions.  But now let’s take a look at the object mode.
          Now this was great, the object mode was not very hard to make due to the fact that a lot of parts were very large. A lot of the object mode is not covered in cloth parts like the horse body of Sagittarius which is only covered by the shoulders.  Still the engineering of the cloth looks great on object mode and it stands out a lot.  Like I said before, Bandai was really promoting the object mode in the first place and looks great in the end, it’s a very solid figure and a bit heavy for an object mode and the object mode size is big, more than 6 inches across and almost 8 inches high on the top.  It’s a massive and very well made object mode, now going to see the figure in the human form.
zodiac of knights        Now that we see the figure in the human form, the engineering is great again, the shoulders now are solid metal and the top part of the chest is plastic, even the figure’s chest is plastic on this figure. The shoulders are die cast metal and the arms and the legs and even the waist is die cast metal.  To my surprise the chest was plastic like I stated and it was a first for me to see that.  The helmet is plastic itself and every part is very big and the figure looks very blocky to my standards.  But none the less it looks great, articulation is great on the figure and the feet are plastic but there just covers for you to put on the black die cast metal feet.  The black figure covers very well the cracks of the cloth and most of the cloth looks like solid gold in human form, they do give you 2 types of hands for you to interchange on the figure. You have the chrome hands with gold and very dull hands to give it a very human touch.  I like the chrome hands myself, makes him look like solid metal.  Overall the figure looks massive and attractive, it’s a very nicely done figure and the Ikki face looks amazing for you to recreate the part when he puts it on.
zodiac of knights
          The object mode totally shines on this figure, and the human form is a great touch for the figure but considering this figure on my collection, he is going in object mode.  The object mode is great and a very solid a very attractive to watch.  This figure is going to go in a lot of collections as an object mode to recreate the Galatian wars.  I give this figure a complete 10 and it’s a great buy for you to pick up. I totally love this figure and you should really buy it.
As always thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this great figure and remember GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!
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