Friday, February 22, 2013

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Phoenix Ikki Review

         Bandai started their new bronze saint line with the one and only Pegasus Seiya and with major success.  The figure was a work of art and most fans would agree that the figure is one for the ages.  Now the next figure for the saint seiya bronze section is coming out and with the form of a phoenix.  Phoenix Ikki is the second character to come out on the series and with good reason, he was the fan favorite for many people when they were young and people just love the character.  Today, we received the new myth cloth EX figure and let’s see if the figure lives up to the expectations of people for the EX line.

         The box layout is no different than the Pegasus one, it has the same plastic cover with the picture of the figure on the front, and his constellation.  On the sides of the box we have the figure doing a signature move and the object mode on a close up, and on the back of the box, they show you the different poses he can be put in, and different faces, a standard move of Bandai to get our attention.  Now if you take the plastic cover off, you can see the box is like the Pandora’s Box in the series like phoenix cloth is, a very nice touch of Bandai.  Now if we look inside, we have a total of 4 buster cards on the box.  

Buster number one, we have the figure itself with most of his armor parts, which is the normal cloth, not the broken one.

On buster 2, we see the skeleton of the object mode, we have the chest and the waist, and we have the wings and the feathers of phoenix ikki.  

On buster number three, we see the full broken armor version of the cloth, then we see the other 3 faces of the figure, to make a total of 4 faces, and we see the hands and other accessories for the figure.  

Overall the figure has the same amount of armor and layout that Pegasus seiya EX had on launch day.

         Now as the object mode was put together, you could tell that its very solid cloth, the object mode was very stable, and it even has a stand to support the armor on the back, something that the old myth cloth did not have and made a pain to get the object mode to stand up.  

This object mode is mostly made of the armor, so the armor plays a big roll on the figure.  One very nice thing that this figure can do is, because of the two sets of armor, you can put one set with the figure, and the other with the object mode.  Only thing you might be missing would be the feathers on the object mode, but that is not a breaking flaw on the figures part.  Overall the object mode is very well made and a good addition to the collection.

         Now the figure is one for the ages.  The figure is mostly composed of pure metal parts, the only plastic part I could find would be the face piece and that’s about it.   The chest is a bit loose but because the chest hold on with small clips on the sides.  One thing that I do recommend is not to play with the chest much.  

The hinges are a bit fragile and very weak, so moving it around might not be a good idea.  The same hinges are in the belt, same warning goes to that part as well.  But overall the figure looks great, and with the broken armor the figure looks fantastic.  For some reason the figures broken armor feels a bit more heavy but that must be for the extra detail it has.  The torso part also bends for the figure and for the object mode form, which is a nice feature for the figure.  Some people said that the figure feels out of proportion, but that is not the case, the figure looks and feels great, and I can’t find a flaw on the figure itself.

         So overall I have to give this figure a solid 10.  The figure is great and it belongs in your collection.  If you are looking for perfection, you can’t get more close than this piece of art.

Thank you to iShop2go for letting me review this figure. 

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