Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Shaina Orphiuchus with Cassios Review

This is a figure to remember. We have seen her since the beginning of the saint seiya universe and even on the first episodes and all that the collectors would think would be… where is Shaina? We have had not so many figures of this character and all the ones that have come out are just very bad. But now Bandai has heard our prayers and they have made the figure that we, as the saint seiya community have been looking for, for a long time. And they also made a combo with Cassios which is the combo I am reviewing today.

There are 2 versions for this figure, we have the normal package with just her and then we have the double limited edition version of Shaina and Cassios. Today I will be reviewing the double package but keep in mind it is the same review for Shaina no matter what review you are reading, the single or double. As you can see the box is a standard Tamashii nation exclusive box of a solid section with Shaina and Cassios on the front. We also see the constellation of Orphiuchus on the front and we do see the box is grey with a pink purple trim. The box looks fantastic and on the side the package opens. On the side of the box it says Saint Cloth Myth and on the bottom it says Orphiuchus Cloth with a picture of the object mode in the middle. The back they show you pictures of the figure doing some action poses, some face swapping and also the object mode and Cassios. On the side of each part of the box we see it’s a black and white picture with the names of the corresponding figures for each picture. Now lets look at the contents inside.

Well this package as big as it seems to be, its only 3 plates big. On plate number one we have the figure itself with all her armor, plate 2 we have the object mode skeleton and the rest of the armor, with the swappable arm and hands, and plate number 3 contains Cassios on his entirety. The plate that is the biggest is the Cassios one cause the figure is divided in 2 sections, the top and the bottom, but let’s not review that figure, let’s review the object mode first.

First of all on the object mode, it’s very easy to make. It is not complicated and the max time it took me to build it was around 10 minutes. The cloth of this figure is not a lot and the figure only has 2 head pieces, the metal shoulders and chest, the bottoms and the knees and that’s all you have for armor. It’s not as complicated as the gold saints or anything like that, this figure is very easy to make. The object mode looks very cute and the colors work to perfections, and it’s very simple so you don’t have any problems with the object mode.

Now we review Shaina herself. Before we move forward let me explain that this figure has 2 modes to display her as. She has her training mode and the armor mode. The way the accomplished this is that the figure has a new mechanism that is introduced to the female saint seiya body. First of all, the chest has to be replacing from training to armor. Because the chest has hinges on the top with plastic shoulders for the training version, this snaps off and you put some shoulders with no hinges on the sides for the armor can go on the top of the figure. Also, as the figure is in training her left arm is covered with an arm warmer and this arm as to be completely replaced to an arm with no warmer to put the armor piece on her arm. And she has grey knee pads for her training armor as well. Over all the switching mechanism is great, but I do like both modes, and I sometimes consider getting another one just to have her in both modes. Second new improvement is that her face has a mechanism as the EX figures. It has a standard peg in the middle and you can switch from her masked face to her normal face on the fly. You can also which hairs very fast. As you can see she has 3 types of hairs you can display her with, so this mechanism benefits the user to make it as fast as possible. Well those are the new improvements. As you know Bandai made a brand new body mold for this figure. Her legs are bigger, her feet have high heels and arms are slim. As you know saint seiya Female saints have great legs and big legs at that. So they recreated the figures curves to perfection. You can easily say she is a very sexy sculpted figure, but to this figure it does not fit and I’ll tell you why. Her face sculpt is beautiful, it resembles her to the T on the anime. Her hair and body proportions are exact as I can remember and her amour is so complete and it fits so light on the figure it looks like a solid piece. I was a bit worried about the cloth being loose as this is the first female Bandai has made with armor. But you can tell the amount of love the person how made her has for her. She is made to perfection and it looks fantastic. Her armor has just the arm and the chest metal with the shoulders, other than that her bottom and her hair and masks are all plastic. She also has a mask she can hold on her hand if you want to display her with. Overall this figure is fantastic the amount of playability on this figure is phenomenal.

Cassios on this package is not the star but it’s a nice bonus. The figure is like 1 inch taller than Shaina and its just a solid piece. What does this mean? It doesn’t move and it’s just stands with his open legs and his hands out, that’s it. No movement no nothing. But for what it is this figure looks great. The amount of detail is fantastic on this figure and the colors and the likeness is very close to the figure and anime character. Still it’s a shame this figure does not have articulation but if we were never going to get a cassios as a figure, this is a good alternative for the figure.

Overall I am in love with Shaina, you can see the sculptore made this with love and you can tell with the quality. This figure is perfect and I can’t wait for the next female saint Bandai will make. Overall this figure and Cassios package get a SOLID 10/10, this figure is perfect and I’m pretty sure if you love the character you will love this figure. So go today to ishop2go and get your copy and as always…

you can visit: Bandai Saint Cloth Myth Ophiuchus Shaina and Cassios

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