Friday, December 30, 2011

iShop2go Top 10 selling in Nov, 2011

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go.for the previous selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Leo Aioria Review

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Leo Aioria pictrue
Since we got the first taste from the EX line with Gemini Saga, we are now expecting perfection with this new figure from the EX line and the new addition is Leo Aioria. As many people do not have an appendix for this figure as a myth cloth figure itself, most will look to this new figure as a replacement for the old ugly myth cloth Leo that came out in 2004. Now in 2011 we have seen many new changes and this one is one that a lot of fans have been waiting for, for a long time.

The box is the same as the Gemini Saga ex box. It has a plastic black cover on top and it’s a solid gold color on the inside of the cover. The box’s inside looks like a Pandora’s Box of Gemini’s armor like on the anime. On the plastic cover we have the figure shot on the front and with the Leo constellation on the front. As we reviewed the Gemini one, we saw it had no toei sticker and that is because the toie sticker was inside the plastic black cover. The back of the box we have the figures object mode and many ways to display the figure with many faces and with and without face armor. But the inside of the box is what we are hoping to get now.

At the inside we have 3 plates that are similar as the Gemini saga package. As you can tell on this review I will be comparing a lot the Gemini Package to the Leo one cause in the essence, they are the same layout. With this figure we don’t get effect parts like for a base, which is ok with me. On the first plate we se the figure itself with most of his cloth armor. We have the slim body as we saw before and we have all the armor that looks fantastic as of right now. On the second plate we have the object mode skeleton and the rest of the figures armor parts. And the third plate we have the money maker. We have all his swappable faces and extra pairs of hands; we have the cape and all of his accessories. Keep in mind this figure has 4 swappable faces and a degree of hands to choose from.

As I was building the object mode, I did not see any flaws with the armor. The object mode is made to perfection and I didn’t notice anything wrong with it. As I have seen many reviews out there, they say the object mode does not look like the anime, but beggars can’t be choosers. For me, I am happy they made this figure and the object mode is not my priority but to me this object mode looks perfect.

Now as we build the figure, the figure has the same plastic waist we are expected to have. Articulation of the figure is as incredible as ever and many poses you can do with the figure. Leo has more solid pieces on his armor and well on his shoulders he is not as flexible as Gemini is. Gemini has a lot of plates on his shoulders and Leo is just a solid shoulder part, which makes it a bit harder to pose but none the less, the figure has great articulation. The sculpt on the face is great and he just have so many great poses and faces that I don’t have a preference on what to pose him as. The hair sculpture is fantastic and it’s a very nice piece or myth cloth I have no complaints about the figure itself. The figure is mostly metal with the parts of his cape, the face piece and the waist being plastic, but the rest is still the same. The figure does suffer a lot of the same issues as Gemini with the cape being very heavy for the figure itself, but this one can balance a bit better with the cape on and I didn’t have a lot of issues with it.

Overall this figure is great, from the great articulation, to the great sculpture and likeness and with a lot of die cast metal, you just can’t go wrong with this figure. Ishop2go gives this figure a 9.5/10. If you are looking for a replacement of your 2004 Leo, then this is the perfect pick up for you my friend. You will be totally satisfied and I promise you will have many joys on the days to come with you purchase this figure.

And remember everybody, as we always say…
you can visit:

Bandai Saint Cloth Myth EX Leo Aioria

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Initial Phoneix Ikki

This new myth cloth review is the 3rd initial bronze - Ikki. Thx for our expert Sgtlopez25. He would show in this video the details of the initial bronze. Remember there would be 2 more initial bronze uploading in the coming 2 days. If you have comments on the video shooting OR want to know more about the figures. You can send email to us or visiting

Thx for your support. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bandai Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Andromeda Shun Version 1 Cloth Re Review

The 2nd 5 Bronze characters reviewed here now us Andromeda Shun. You can check from the video the gimmick and special point of this figure.

Thx to our myth cloth expert Sgtlopez25, he would show all these in this video. Hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Zodiac Temple Bases

Before I post the 2nd 5 bronze myth cloth video review, I want to introduce here about the temple bases. These temple bases are official products from Bandai. It helps to make diorama scenes in 12 zodiac Golden temples in the anime.

There are 6 different bases provided and they can extend repeatly to form a larger temple bases. Bandai should know all myth cloth collectors find it difficult to reproduce the zodiac temple scene. Thus it produce these bases to help you form.

Our expert, Sgtlopez25, helps to record the features and outlook of all 6 temple bases. We hope this can help you understand more about all that features. In addition to this link,, you can understand more about the products

Monday, December 26, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Pegasus Seiya Version 1 Review

My friend, After checking previous line review of 5 initial Bronze yesterday, have you found out all are with one specify characters and outlook in the anime?

But I think it's not enough for you all. I would start by today to show each 5 initial Bronze one by one in great details here. Sgtlopez25 would brings us to more detail view on Pegasus Seiya first. Enjoy!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Line Review of the Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Version 1 cloths!!!

Merry Christmas!! Wish you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Today, I post a line review of all Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Initial Bronze Version Number 1.

Thx to Sgtlopez25, he really an expert of myth cloth. Apart from the OCE and normal appendix comparison yesterday, he brings us today a "SHOW OFF" for all initial Bronze myth cloth version 1. You can check from this video all the gimmick, outlook and the selling points of Pegesus, Ikki, Hyoga, Dragon and Andromeda. Will you want to know all these? Check out this video and you would find out the answer. Cheers..

Friday, December 23, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Appendix Aquarius Camus Review

Now we present the appendix aquarius camus. This is the appendix version which means it's the supplementary part of original myth cloth camus. Bandai has made some enhancement and modification part of the previous myth cloth camus.

Besides, sgtlopez25 has also made the comparison between normal and oce appendix. You can check out the difference between these 2. Hope you all enjoy the movie!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Aquarius Camus Review

Here comes the third review of saint seiya myth cloth. The figure shown here is one of the 12 zodiac in Ancient Greek God Stories. In addition to the saint seiya story, he is also the master of Cygnus Hyoga. Now Sgtlopez25 would discuss in more details about the myth cloth figure design and comments. Want to know more? Check out the video. Cheers.

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Tamashii Nation 2009 Appendix OCE Gemini Saga

Hello! Everyone. This is a new review on Saga Appendix OCE. This is the web shop limited series which is released in 2009. Now this item is reviewed by our friend Sgtlopez25. He is an expert of all myth cloth. You can check out what is the difference between OCE and the normal release of Appendix Saga. Enjoy the Show!!

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Tamashii Nation 2009 Appendix OCE Gemini Saga

Myth Cloth Tamashii Nation 2009 Appendix OCE Gemini Saga

Sunday, December 18, 2011

20% off crazy sale LIMITED Myth Cloth

We have new crazy sale myth cloth now. All of these are more than 20% off and only have few of it promoting. Don't miss this chance. Come and check it out!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

iShop2go Saint Seiya Blog Contest!!! (Open to all Languages)

iShop2go promotion is back again!!! This time we are targeting participants who have blog and also Facebook profile. You can win Saint Seiya figure and at the same time, you also get a banner advertisement contract with us which allow you to have greater discount while purchasing Saint Seiya figures in There will be 5 bloggers selected to win the prizes. If you are bloggers with Blogspot, Wordpress and other blog platform, feel free to join this contest.

Prizes for the selected 5 winners:
 1 x Myth Cloth Saint Seiya of your choice (from with available stock)

One year contract for getting 30% discount of any item purchase (Myth Cloth and Myth Cloth EX) in website with available stock (start after April 2012). The discount stated in the site will no longer applicable.

Prizes for all participants:
 For those who joined but not selected can also enjoy one time 10% discount off from iShop2go after discounted price in one bill for any items (start after April 2012). Offer available time is 1 month

All you need to do for this contest is simple; follow the requirements and the steps:


- Participants must have their own Blog and Facebook profile that related to Saint Seiya
- Provide an email which is also the user identity of your blog.
- Must know how to use HTML code (it should be part of the function from your blog’s dashboard)


1. Copy and paste the HTML code provided as the banner advertisement and put into your blog (name the section as “Saint Seiya Shop”).

<a href="">
<img src="" /></a>

You should put that at the upper part of your blog which will show whenever we check your blog without scrolling down.

If not, then you have to build your own code with the banner and link.

Use back the HTML above if your platform using the similar code. If not, then you have to build your own code with the banner and link. (You can check the details from iShop2go Saint Seiya blogs)

2. Email us at that you have posted the HTML code we provided (banner advertisement) and the email address must be same as your blog’s user identity.

3. “Share” and “Like” this contest from the provided link in your Facebook profile and email us the link to your Facebook profile (so we can check whether you have share the link)


The result will be announced on mid of January 2012. We will post the item chosen from the selected participants at the end of April 2012. So, what are you waiting for? Follow the steps and prepare to enjoy more discounts from

Terms and Conditions

We will select 5 winners according to the following criteria:

1. Post Frequency
 2. Number of friends
 3. Appropriateness of the content

The submission should not later than - 31/12/2011 11P.M (GMT +8) Your proposed time

1. A list of the first 5 participants or bloggers will be released in our Facebook fanpage and blogs 15/1/2012.

i. iShop2go Saint Seiya blogger
ii. iShop2go Saint Seiya fanpage

2. We have the rights to decide for disqualifying those who can’t meet the requirement from the process. (which means even though you’re the selected 5 participants, you still can be disqualify if you didn’t meet any requirement stated here or we found out that you break some of the rules)

3. If participants doing any changes or renovating their blog which might remove the banner ads temporary, participants have to notify us before they remove the banner ads temporary.

4. If we notice that the participants had removed the banner advertisement without any reasons and notifications, we will disqualify them.

5. If the participants stop posting anything in their blog more than 3 months, we will disqualify them.

6. We need to build a profile of all participants which include their information:

i. Name
ii. Email address
iii. Mailing address
iv. Blog or website

7. The shipment of the giveaway will commence at the March, 2012. (There would be a tracking number for them to check against the shipping status)

8. Selected participants can enjoy 30% discount for all kinds of (Myth Cloth and Myth Cloth EX) kit in but they only need to make a written and photo reviews on every kit purchased from us. One Saint Seiya figure with one written and photo review and post into their bloggers with “Sponsored by iShop2go” mentioned. These are what need to do to allow 30% off for all item from  iShop2go continue after purchase. Further details on this will send to the selected participants.

9. Your blog should not be new.  Blog participants will be considered if your blog is more than 1 year old.  This is a precaution for quality and integrity.

This offer would continue until our banner advertisement contract is over. This contract would last for 1 year’s time (End at 14/1/2013). After then, we would review in the upcoming year contract.

We would have a Q&A emails for all enquiries concerning the contest, you can email to Our event handler would answer you within 24 hours time.

Important time
Contest Completion time : 31/12/2011
Contest Announcement time : 15/1/2012
Free Gift Delivery time : 1/4/2012
One year contract Start Date : 15/1/2012, End Date : 14/1/2013

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Shaina Orphiuchus with Cassios Review

This is a figure to remember. We have seen her since the beginning of the saint seiya universe and even on the first episodes and all that the collectors would think would be… where is Shaina? We have had not so many figures of this character and all the ones that have come out are just very bad. But now Bandai has heard our prayers and they have made the figure that we, as the saint seiya community have been looking for, for a long time. And they also made a combo with Cassios which is the combo I am reviewing today.

There are 2 versions for this figure, we have the normal package with just her and then we have the double limited edition version of Shaina and Cassios. Today I will be reviewing the double package but keep in mind it is the same review for Shaina no matter what review you are reading, the single or double. As you can see the box is a standard Tamashii nation exclusive box of a solid section with Shaina and Cassios on the front. We also see the constellation of Orphiuchus on the front and we do see the box is grey with a pink purple trim. The box looks fantastic and on the side the package opens. On the side of the box it says Saint Cloth Myth and on the bottom it says Orphiuchus Cloth with a picture of the object mode in the middle. The back they show you pictures of the figure doing some action poses, some face swapping and also the object mode and Cassios. On the side of each part of the box we see it’s a black and white picture with the names of the corresponding figures for each picture. Now lets look at the contents inside.

Well this package as big as it seems to be, its only 3 plates big. On plate number one we have the figure itself with all her armor, plate 2 we have the object mode skeleton and the rest of the armor, with the swappable arm and hands, and plate number 3 contains Cassios on his entirety. The plate that is the biggest is the Cassios one cause the figure is divided in 2 sections, the top and the bottom, but let’s not review that figure, let’s review the object mode first.

First of all on the object mode, it’s very easy to make. It is not complicated and the max time it took me to build it was around 10 minutes. The cloth of this figure is not a lot and the figure only has 2 head pieces, the metal shoulders and chest, the bottoms and the knees and that’s all you have for armor. It’s not as complicated as the gold saints or anything like that, this figure is very easy to make. The object mode looks very cute and the colors work to perfections, and it’s very simple so you don’t have any problems with the object mode.

Now we review Shaina herself. Before we move forward let me explain that this figure has 2 modes to display her as. She has her training mode and the armor mode. The way the accomplished this is that the figure has a new mechanism that is introduced to the female saint seiya body. First of all, the chest has to be replacing from training to armor. Because the chest has hinges on the top with plastic shoulders for the training version, this snaps off and you put some shoulders with no hinges on the sides for the armor can go on the top of the figure. Also, as the figure is in training her left arm is covered with an arm warmer and this arm as to be completely replaced to an arm with no warmer to put the armor piece on her arm. And she has grey knee pads for her training armor as well. Over all the switching mechanism is great, but I do like both modes, and I sometimes consider getting another one just to have her in both modes. Second new improvement is that her face has a mechanism as the EX figures. It has a standard peg in the middle and you can switch from her masked face to her normal face on the fly. You can also which hairs very fast. As you can see she has 3 types of hairs you can display her with, so this mechanism benefits the user to make it as fast as possible. Well those are the new improvements. As you know Bandai made a brand new body mold for this figure. Her legs are bigger, her feet have high heels and arms are slim. As you know saint seiya Female saints have great legs and big legs at that. So they recreated the figures curves to perfection. You can easily say she is a very sexy sculpted figure, but to this figure it does not fit and I’ll tell you why. Her face sculpt is beautiful, it resembles her to the T on the anime. Her hair and body proportions are exact as I can remember and her amour is so complete and it fits so light on the figure it looks like a solid piece. I was a bit worried about the cloth being loose as this is the first female Bandai has made with armor. But you can tell the amount of love the person how made her has for her. She is made to perfection and it looks fantastic. Her armor has just the arm and the chest metal with the shoulders, other than that her bottom and her hair and masks are all plastic. She also has a mask she can hold on her hand if you want to display her with. Overall this figure is fantastic the amount of playability on this figure is phenomenal.

Cassios on this package is not the star but it’s a nice bonus. The figure is like 1 inch taller than Shaina and its just a solid piece. What does this mean? It doesn’t move and it’s just stands with his open legs and his hands out, that’s it. No movement no nothing. But for what it is this figure looks great. The amount of detail is fantastic on this figure and the colors and the likeness is very close to the figure and anime character. Still it’s a shame this figure does not have articulation but if we were never going to get a cassios as a figure, this is a good alternative for the figure.

Overall I am in love with Shaina, you can see the sculptore made this with love and you can tell with the quality. This figure is perfect and I can’t wait for the next female saint Bandai will make. Overall this figure and Cassios package get a SOLID 10/10, this figure is perfect and I’m pretty sure if you love the character you will love this figure. So go today to ishop2go and get your copy and as always…

you can visit: Bandai Saint Cloth Myth Ophiuchus Shaina and Cassios

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Saint Seiya Cosmos Burning Collection (CBC) Dragon Shiryu

This line has surprised me over and over again, the amount of detail they have it tremendous and I cant say enough how surpirced that I am with this line. Most people would say that this line was destined for failure cause Bandai has the market of the saint seiya universe but as I can see right now, this line has made impressions and even more with the community. As this is the last one of this line right now I just want to say thank you to kidslogic for making this figures the best they could and I hope I see more of this line in the future.

So lets get down too it my friends, the figure comes on a standard window box and the box has a dark green look too it that means that those are the colors of Dragon. In the front we see the Toei Sticker and the saint seiya logo, and the kidslogic logo as well. On the side of the box we see a shot of the figure itself and the features it comes with, as stated before, it has 8 led lights on the base, magnetic connections, and it uses 3 AAA batteries. On the back of the box it has all the licenses of the product and some shots of the base and the figure itself. The bottom is plain white and the top has the number of the series this figure belongs too. As you open the box and take out the figure, you see the figure is surrounded by plastic coverings and you have the figure inside in the middle with his base. But now its time to look at the figure itself.

(CBC) Dragon Shiryu

As we look at the figure, the hair is the real winner here. It is long very detailed, and it has a life on its own. As you all know this figures have big head and small body and the figure is sculpted to perfection. The face has that kid feel again and the hair and the armor are so well sculpted is outstanding. The figure itself stands on a whopping 4 to 4 ½ inches tall and the figure is very cute. The armor is a chrome look and the other parts of the figure have this matte look to it that it makes a perfect combination on the figure itself. The figure is not possible and has magnets on the bottom of the feet to hold him in place on the base. The figure can’t stand on his own; the magnets are a must for this figure. As we look at the magnetic base we see it has the slot for the battery’s and the turn on switch on the side. As you turn it on the lights light up a solid green as it matches the character again. This is a nice touch of Kidslogics part in my opinion seeing that all the figures have different lights for there characters. The base it magnetic so it can support the weight of the figure. The surrounding parts of the base is a standard Greek temple gray with steps. As it is standard with all the CBC figures, the bases due stand out a lot from the crowed.

So as the figures themselves are well made and the craftsmanship of this figures are flawless this line is one for the ages. I hope they make more figures like this in the future and I can’t wait to see more of them in the market. I give this figure 9 out of 10 which is very high in my books. If you have not tried this line, you should give it a try and I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.

I want to thank ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!!
you can visit:

Kidslogic Dragon Shiryu

Gift Point Promotion - Myth Cloth Lizard Misty @ 70% off

Gift Point Promotion - Myth Cloth Lizard Misty @ 70% off

Hey everybody! We are back with more great deals! This time we are offering the Saint Seiya action figure Myth Cloth Lizard Misty at 70 percent off! This is an amazing deal on this figure! There will be three chances for you to get this big deal so watch our countdown clock and good luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saint Seiya Cosmos Burning Collection (CBC) Cygnus Hyoga

Seeing how the Pegasus seiya was greatly sculpted on the first CBC figure that I had my hands on, I was expecting greatness with this figure of Cygnus Hyoga from kidslogic. None the less this figure did not disappoint at all in all areas. With the great quality that these figures have to offer, I know this figures will do great in the market to come in the saint seiya line. As I stated before, the big head and small body is a cute way to start showing off this great figure in a big way on your collection and with the figures out there like the WTC figures, it is no surprice that these figures have a great market.

So the figure has a standard window box. It has the color of dark blue and white signifying that this is the colors of Cygnus hyoga. The box has the CBC logo on the front with the toei sticker and the kidslogic logo in the corner aswell. On the side of the box we see a shot of the figure in all its glory and with the main features that it has on the side. The 8 LED lights on the base, the base itself, and magnetic contacts for the base and the figure. On the back they show you all the license of the figure and all the features again, nothing really spectacular as we saw in the seiya review before. The bottom of the box has a plain white look to it and on the top it tells you the number of the figure in the series. As you open the box you see the figure is surrounded by a plastic covering which keeps the figure in place. You see the figure in the middle with the base. Now its time to review the figure and the base itself.

As we see the figure it has the same detail as before, the head and the body have great proportions and the head is bigger than the body. The body itself is a miniature side but as size is concerned; the figure stands around 4 to 4 ½ inches tall. The amount of detail the figure has is tremendous and it gives you a kid feel to the figure. The eyes are captivating and are really well made. The armor on the figure has this metallic look to it that looks like the saint seiya myth cloth figures from Bandai. There is no articulation on this figure which makes him a fix pose. None the less when you see the sculpt on the figure and the matte paint and the chrome on the armor, it makes it worthwhile. As we keep looking at the base, we see it has a standard sockets to insert 3 AAA batteries on it. The lights turn on with a click of a button and the lights are now different than the seiya display from kidslogic. This lights are a white blue which matches the character perfectly. It is a nice touch. The figure cannot stand by itself so it has to small magnets on the bottom of the feet. Which when connected to the base the figure can stand on it’s on. This is a great feature because the figure does not stand properly and it leans a lot due to the big head. The base is a standard Greek steps that you see on the show, and it’s not of a different color. Both seiya stand and hyoga stand are the same. Overall this figure is a great addition to your collection.

As we saw before on the Seiya figure of Kidslogic, we saw the amount of detail and work this company has put on this line. Overall I give this figure a 9/10 and it’s a must buy for your collection. If you are a great saint seiya fan, or just a fan of miniature small boy, and big heads, this is the figure for you. I am very happy with my purchase and I know you will be as well.

I want to thank Ishop2go again for letting me review this figure and remember… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!
you can visit:

Kidslogic Kygnus Hyoga

Friday, November 11, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Tamashii Nation Black Dragon and Swan Review

 Black Dragon and Swan

Black Dragon


Now were to begin on these two figures… well to start off these 2 figures was part of the second tamashii nation wave of black saints. The only black saint that was released for normal distribution is the Black Phoenix. As Andromeda and Pegasus black was a great success, people needed to get their hands on a black Dragon and Swan figures for their complete black figure collection of saint seiya. The quality of the Andromeda and Pegasus is tremendous and hope this figures live up to their name.

As the package is concerned the box is a solid black with a blue background with the constellations of the swan and the dragon. You have shots of the figures in the front in a normal pose. As this is a Tamashii Nation box this does not have a book style or window package, it’s a solid one box. On each side of the box there are 2 different symbols on it, one has the dragon and one has the swan. On the back of the box we see on the corners the pictures of dragon and swan in black and white and then you have the figures in the middle on a pose holding the fake Sagittarius cloth on their arms. You see pictures of the extra faces they come with for the original cloths and then you see the object mode pictures there as well. Now as the same with the Steel Saints, these figures are stacked on each other on the package with a solid plate. On one plate there’s one figure and the object mode parts and cloth parts and the other plate the other. The manual is a bit thicker on these figures because it has a double feature that the figure builds are on the manual. Instructions are easy to follow and if you have build the original dragon or Cygnus cloths then you know that is the same build.

Now on the object mode, the swan object mode was greatly done, very easy to do and not so complicated. It was a straight build if you follow the manual piece by piece. Now the dragon object mode had the same problem as the first one, the chest did not want to close properly on the figure and the chest cover part did not click on the chest part. This is a very frustrating thing to do if you want to see the object mode. It is one of the most frustrating things you can do on a cloth, and if you try to force it, then the part will break so you have to kind of hide it to make it look like it’s in place. Still the figure object modes look stunning but looks cannot save you on a rating. And on object mode I have to give the figures a 7.5. it is just too frustrating for the person to build and if this was your first myth cloth, you would be disappointed.

Now for the figures themselves, the one that didn’t give me any trouble was dragon shiryu, the build was straight to the point, his hair color and face sculpture is tremendous and when it’s all set and done this figure just looks great. The eyes and the hear are great attention getters and the cloths color is just a solid black which gives it that extra anime look. Dragon is for sure my most favorite figure on this package. Now for swan, the sculpt is great, the cloth looks fantastic, but the belt on this figure on my package came morphed. It did not fit the figure, and didn’t want to close properly. I had to spend more than 3 hours trying to fix his belt. I didn’t understand why I was having this issue one a 150+ figure that I bought; this should be a tamashii exclusive and should not have any defects. Because they are limited they should have checked for quality control on the figure. In the end this figure frustrated me more than any other figure I have every had a problem with. I also had a problem with the skit parts of swan, they would fall off very easily and it was frustrating because they don’t stay in place. As a buyer on these cloths I was very disappointed, they should have addressed these issues early on and not sell unfinished products. There are even reports of other people having the same problems but with the Dragon. This is a bad idea on Bandai and if this was my first figure I have ever gotten from them, I would sure not buy one every again. Still the figure sculpt is great, and the likeness of the figures is tremendous like on the anime, but these issues made me very disappointed with this set. They also give you 2 extra heads for the original versions of the cloths, with a screaming face pose. It is a nice addition but it’s not a deal breaker for me. The deal breaker was on these cloths. As a rating is concerned, I will give these a 6 in rating. They have too many problems for people to truly enjoy the figures, but after you fix them, they will look great on the collection.

So from the object problems to the figure great problems is hard to recommend this set. But I only recommend it for the hard core saint seiya collector. This set is very frustrating and very hard to build, it’s just a fair warning that you are going to spend a lot of time in building this figures for sure.

I want to thank ishop2go for letting me review this figures and remember… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!
you can visit:

Bandai Web Shop Limited "Black Saint" Second Strike

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Gemini Saga Review

I remember when I was the one in the millions waiting to get the new EX series in my hand. From waiting for hours to see the news about them, and how I was so happy when they came out. And now I am a proud owner of this series of the first EX figures that Bandai has made with the new addition of Gemini Saga in my collection. Most people would wonder why I was so excited to get the Gemini Saga figure, well in my mind, Gemini Saga is one of my favorite figures and characters and that’s why I have a bit of a favoritism. But that is enough about me loving Gemini and now it’s time to review the new figure of this great line.

Gemini Saga picture

First we look at the box. Gone are the days when the boxes were book style and with the animated picture in the front. How have they changed you may ask? Well, the box has a fine covering in all sides that is kind of transparent. On the front of this transparent film we got the full figure itself, with a back background and with his zodiac constellation on the back of the figure, it has nice Japanese letters saying Myth Cloth EX in the middle. On each side of the box we have the same background which is like a cosmos black with stars and it has action poses of the figure. For example on one side we have Gemini doing the Galaxian Explosion and it’s just great. On the back it has the same cosmos background but now with information about the figure. It has the object mode, swappable faces that you can do the different heads and all the legal information on the back of the box. But where is the Toei sticker? This cant be it right? Well this film comes off the box, and what is inside is just marvelous. The box itself is solid gold, not real gold, but the color, and it is made as a Pandora’s box like on the anime, it has a flap on the top for you can take off the contents, and the box is just a great piece of art. Now the toy sticker is in front of the inside of the box, so look out for that if you think yours is fake. But it’s on the side were the zodiac sign is shown on the Pandora’s box. Well now let’s see what we have inside.

As I stated before, this is not a book style package, it is a flap on the top of the box that you open, and inside right away you see 3 plates, the instruction manual, and the parts to do the galaxian explosion if you bought the base. Now the plates look the same as the old myth cloth, but now we have an additional plate with only faces, and accessories which is a great welcome to the series. The first plate has the figure itself and some cloth parts, the second part is the object mode skeleton and more parts of the cloth, and the third one has all the extra hands, which I counted around 6, 3 faces with the evil one included, extra gray hair, the pvc cape, and that’s about it. The instruction manual is very simple, its gold in color and has the Pandora’s box picture on the front, it shows you how to put the figure together, the object mode and that’s about it. Nothing else, it’s very simple. So let’s review the object mode and the figure now.

The object mode is very simple to do, and the looks from him to the old one, this one is a bit taller and slimmer to look at. As we compare parts, you may see that the parts of the old Gemini are shorter, more bulky and less detailed, and as you see the parts of the new Gemini, there lighter, more detailed and the color is more true to the anime series. But the object mode is just a great new improvement to the cloth. But now let’s talk about what I was saying, the parts itself are a great change to the figure, the parts a significantly lighter and longer, but the EX figure has more die cast metal than the other myth cloth of Gemini, all the shoulders, all the chest, but not the mid piece, all the skirt, all the arms and all the legs are die cast metal, the only 2 parts that are plastic is the waist and the helmet. The helmet of the old and the new one is very different, the helmet on the old one is bigger, and the new Gemini one is smaller and slimmer but it’s a better looking one. In my opinion this is a great figure so far.

But now let’s look at the figure. The figure itself is slim, some people say he is anorexic or something, but this has a purpose. The figure itself is 7 inches tall, which is one inch bigger than the old myth cloth. This is why he is slimmer, and the parts are longer. Second the articulation is tremendous, he has a free moving torso, the arms can go great in many poses, and the legs have so much flexibility that it is unreal. But this is all with the armor off, but will he do the same with the armor on? Well let me tell you, the waist is plastic for a purpose. The waist is just a piece on itself, there is nothing attached to it. And this is why, the figure has a moving torso, so the waist goes on the middle of the figure, but it also goes inside the torso, for the torso can move freely on top of the waist part. And how cool is that? The waist is plastic for the torso to move freely on top, and that’s one great idea, and he can also twist in the waist which was not possible because the waist was always fixed cause of the parts added to it. Well it is not the case anymore. The belt and the belt parts are a whole different piece on itself, and the belt and all the pieces is die cast metal, and that is a great improvement, the torso is die cast, and the shoulders is die cast metal, the back has a whole in the torso for you to add the cape or just put the covering part of the cloth. And the fun part is that all the parts of the shoulders, are individually hinged for they to move freely, the figure has the same flexibility with the armor on, and that’s a great accomplishment. But one thing did stud out from this figure, and that are the head and the cape. The head is a very different than what we are used too. It is on a mechanism itself that you can swap the face and the hair, and the additional hair is rounded on the tip and goes in the base, just to say, you don’t have to pop the head out anymore, cause now the head just slides in which is a super improvement. And then the cape, the cape is very nice and has hinges as well inside. It has 3 movable parts and it’s just spectacular. But this is hard pvc plastic and sometimes the additional weight is to much for the figure, but if you pose him right, it does sustain the figure. Overall the figure is a perfect figure.

I welcome this new addition to my collection. I think the EX is a good step in the right direction and it’s a very beautiful figure. On a scale of 1-10 I give this figure a solid 10. I would give it a 100 if I could haha. But you deserve this figure; it belongs to any saint seiya fan out there.

Thank you to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!

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Saint Cloth Crown Sagittarius Seiya_picture
Bandai Saint Cloth Myth EX Gemini Saga