Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Scorpio Milo Review

Since we have started to get EX figures, there’s always something people don’t like about one of the figures. I think most of us are very content with the first 2 or 3 figures of the series of the EX line and don’t pay much attention and preorder the next in the line. To inform the reader before you go deeper in this review, all this is my opinion as a reviewer and no way intended to change your mind. So lets start with the new addition of the EX line today, with Scorpio Milo. The old myth cloth had very bad defects and one appendix did come out to fix the issue. The old myth cloth looks great, but now Bandai says that this new EX figure will change the ideas of the world. Let’s see if they are true.

As we see the box, the box is the same as the other myth cloth lines. It has a transparent kind of plastic layer on top with the picture of the figure and his constellation in the front. As you turn you see the object mode on the left side of the box, and the figure with some poses on the right side of the box. On the back of the box we can see the figure doing many poses and some pictures of the object mode. As you take this plastic transparent sleeve off, we can see the second layer of the box which is the same as the other EX boxes. It’s all gold with the shape of the Pandora’s Box of Scorpio.

The inside of the box is not that different as the rest. It comes with 3 plates; the first plate comes with the figure itself, parts of the arms and legs, and shoulders. The second plate comes with the skeleton of the object mode, the skirt and chest plate, and some other parts of the figure. The third plate comes with his cape, hands, 3 faces, and his replaceable hairs. The instruction manual is very easy to follow and very short and easy to understand. This figure, because it’s the first run of this EX, comes with a plastic hologram if you can call it that, that you can put the figure behind it, and can look like his doing the scarlet needle.

Doing the object mode, I was very happy that this object mode was better than the first one. The object mode is very solid and very easy to make. The inclusion of extra parts to replicate the claws is just very nice and looks super good on the figure. On the object mode side, I give the object mode a 10 out of 10 in rating.

So as I build the figure itself, I have many opinions on this so let’s start with the good points. The armor on this figure is excellent. The figure’s armor just looks fantastic and it’s very solid. The figure itself does not have weight issues as the old myth cloth, and that is very nice to know. And now to the bad parts. If you see the animated figure or the anime, you can see the hands of Scorpio Milo are a bit darker than the cloth. Sometimes the color of his hands matches the other dark gold on his armor. Well in this figure, they changed the color to simulate the color, but the color is all wrong. The color of the hands came out kind of a light mustard yellow and in no way or form does this look dark to represent the anime. The hands color is almost like the old myth cloth hands of 2004 were Bandai’s job was very horrible on the figure. This color is a shame and very disappointing. Another thing is this characters face. When I have reviewed figure before, I have told you that what makes the figure is the face. This figures faces are just horrible. The figure in my opinion does not look like Scorpio milo in any way or form. The faces are just very disproportionate and very ugly. If you see the old appendix that came out of Scorpio milo, that figure or appendix looks fantastic. The face is down and they hair and everything looks fantastic on that appendix. But on this figure its just a disaster. Why could they not just copy the face? They already had the mold, why mess it up? This is clearly to show you Bandai does not pay attention to their lines, and just lets bad products go into the market. They clearly don’t have a staff that makes the sculptures that love saint seiya. A person that loves the series would have seen this mistake and not let this kind of quality go through the door.

Overall this figure is a solid buy but very disappointing as well. If you don’t have the money to buy the old myth Cloth with his appendix, this is a good way to go. And if you have the old myth cloth but you are tired to see your figure fall, then this is a good buy for you. Overall this figure deserves a 7out of 10 in grade. It’s very disappointing to see this kind of work from a juggernaut of a company, and it’s just a sad figure in the end.

Thank you to iShop2go for letting me review this figure and remember everybody… Go out and buy it!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Scorpio Milo Review

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