Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth God of Death Thanatos Review

God of Death Thanatos picture01
God of Death Thanatos picture02
God of Death Thanatos picture03

From the time we saw those last episodes of saint seiya, to now after 20 or more years, the characters that came out of 2 or 3 episodes were Hypnos and Thanatos. As you know Hypnos is the god of sleep, and Thanatos is the God of Death. Together they protect the entrance to the chamber of the body of hades. Even though this character did not come out as much as one could ask for, they did make a great impression on the Saint Seiya Community as a whole. And today we are going to review this figure for everyone to enjoy.

The box is way bigger than a standard saint seiya box and in the front you see the figure itself, the animated form and the object mode all in the front. The Bandai logo on the corner, and the toei sticker of its respective manufacturing region; On the side of the box we see it says “Saint Cloth Myth” and on the bottom it says “Thanatos”. The back of the box we see the figure playing his harp and with his robe on. A great diorama display for Thanatos here and you have many poses of the figure, the object mode, and the different stuff you can put on the figure. When you open the package you see is a 2 sided window package and on the top of the trim it says “God who controls death” and on the bottom trim it says “Thanatos”. Overall this figure is looking great and now we are going to see the package inside.

The inside of the package is very interesting we have the figure and the cloth parts on the left side, with the instruction manual and the cloth robe on this figure. On the right side of the package we have most of the skeleton of the object mode and the big wings of the character on a different plate. The skeleton on the object mode looks more of a human form instead of some sort of bird, which will make the object mode build faster to make. Now let’s review the object mode.

As I suspected the object mode is very easy to build and very fast, it has a human form of the object mode and every part of the cloth goes on this object mode. The object mode is massive in size and very well made. The object mode weight is very well supported with a star stand the figure comes with and the wings don’t make this figure heavy at all in this object mode. Very well balanced and the colors look great with a dark night blue color going all over the cloth. Overall the object review he gets a 10 for great sculpture and effort.

Now that we finished the object mode review, it is now time to review the figure itself. When you put the parts on this figure, you can see it is very fast build even for a god cloth. If you have built saint seiya figures in the past, this should be a piece of cake. Most of the parts of this cloth are die cast metal in exception to the waist, the skirt parts, the shoulders, head, and the wings. The legs, arms, chest and feet are all die cast metal. The wings of this character make him very top heavy, but with the Hong Kong edition, it is not really an issue. I have reviewed the Latin American version before and the ankles of that figure were tremendously loose and the figure does the splits from time to time. But not this one, this one has solid ankles and very stable to pose with no stand at all. This figure also comes with a white robe for you to put him on with only the robe and his harp. The robe is made of very nice textures and it’s very well made. The wings are great and look magnificent. If you get each wing, you can see that each one of the wings moves, which is a great idea by Bandai. Overall this figure gets an automatic 10. Some people say this figure is a 9 and I cannot disagree with them. The most major problem I can see with this figure is the weight of the wings, but depending on what version you have that problem can be avoided.

So the two gods that made the saint seiya crew cry and almost die are in figure form now. The great sculpture and the attention to detail make this figure one that a collector must buy right now. The colors and the face sculpture are made to perfection and its one of the best god cloths out right now. All of the god cloths are good but between Hypnos and Thanatos, most people say Thanatos is the best of them.

I want to thank ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember…. GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!
you can visit:
Saint Cloth Myth Hades' Heralds Thanatos picture
Bandai Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Mellow Poison

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