Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saint Seiya myth cloth Leo Aioria myth cloth review

Leo Aioria
Leo Aioria
Leo Aioria

Starting in the year 2004, the saint Seiya myth cloth line took full force on making figures. But in the year 2004 they were really not up to par with sculpting. They were charging over $50.00 for a figure that looked horrible and lacked quality. But the saint Seiya community spoke out and requested changes for the line. These were adult figures and they were meant for correcting and people were not going to pay $50.00 for a piece of junk. But none the less on 2004 they released Leo Aioria as a myth cloth.

So on this front of the box you have an animated form of Leo Aioria with a shot of the cloth itself. The box is a book style kind of package and on the side it says saint cloth myth and on the bottom it says Leo cloth. On the back of the box we see the figure doing many poses and very basic and stiff poses at that. Nothing too special on the back of the box they show you the head quality which is pretty bad and the object mode. As we open the package we see two window style displays and on the top of the trim its says gold saint and on the bottom it says Aioria. Now we’re gonna look of the package inside.

Inside of the package we have two plates the left plate has the figure itself with most of the cloth parts and the right plate has the skeleton of the object mode. And the left side also Carries the white cape be you could add to the figure and on the right side we have the instruction Manual. There are only four hands on this package and not too many plastic parts. The only plastic this figure has is the waist and the head peace. Now let’s put the object mode together. As you are putting the object mode together you can see that the skeleton takes most of the space of the object mode. Most of the parts of the myth cloth of today have all the parts used on the cloth with little to show the skeleton. This myth cloth you can tell right away that the skeleton is what is keeping it together. There are major gaps on the object mode itself and it looks very chunky. Still this myth cloth is great to look at, but it was not fun to build the object mode. It took me around 5 minutes to do it with the bulky parts.

When I was putting this figure on its figure mode, the same could be said again. The figure mode was done rather quickly and it was not fun to build. But as soon as I was finished I was very disappointed. The figure itself is very heavy and the face sculpture was horrible. It does not look even close to the Leo Aioria I remember. This cloth looks like a plain toy to me. That’s why I can understand why people were not willing to pay 50 dollars on a piece of collection which doesn’t even look like the character. I was just plain horrible. The head is very big, the shoulder’s were not stable, and the figure was very top heavy. Still for a 2004 figure, it was still a bad production. But Bandai saw this problem and fixed it… 4 years later… they released a Leo Aioria appendix and wow what a difference it made. The figure looked better, it was slimmer, and almost to perfection with the Leo on the Anime. The appendix was a great hit, and greatly improved the cosmetic look of the figure. Still people were kind of disappointed again, cause most of the parts were plastic and not metal. Still for 20 dollars you cant beat a great cosmetic upgrade to the figure… until it sold out. Bandai has refused to make more appendix of Leo for the customers, and so much fury has gone on this, that people are actually buying them now around 250 dollars. Still the appendix should not be that expensive. But why is it that expensive you ask? Cause the figure actually needs the appendix to be a good figure. As you can tell me writing this review, I have many bad things to say about the cloth, but I still recommend it. Why you ask? Well just cause when you actually have the cloth and the appendix, the cloth becomes a complete 10.

The cloth comes to live with the appendix. It looks slimmer and more attractive and it has better cosmetic look for the figure. The figure is not so top heavy anymore and the figure looks great. Still you have problems with the skirt but after all the problems it has already, you can let that one fly.

What im trying to say is this, this cloth is not recommended by itself. By itself it is a rating of 5, its too chunky, the figure looks like he has a big head, the parts on the shoulder’s fall down and don’t stay up, and the figure tips over cause of how heavy it is. But when you have the appendix, this figure becomes and automatic 10, it looks great, feels nicer and its not heavy anymore. Do I recommend it? Yes I do! The fact that is ugly and all can be overlooked by the fact you get the appendix. But if you get it by itself you are going to be very disappointed.
Thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this great figure and remember.
Leo Aioria
Bandai Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Appendix - Leo Aiolia

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