Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Gemini Saga Review

I remember when I was the one in the millions waiting to get the new EX series in my hand. From waiting for hours to see the news about them, and how I was so happy when they came out. And now I am a proud owner of this series of the first EX figures that Bandai has made with the new addition of Gemini Saga in my collection. Most people would wonder why I was so excited to get the Gemini Saga figure, well in my mind, Gemini Saga is one of my favorite figures and characters and that’s why I have a bit of a favoritism. But that is enough about me loving Gemini and now it’s time to review the new figure of this great line.

Gemini Saga picture

First we look at the box. Gone are the days when the boxes were book style and with the animated picture in the front. How have they changed you may ask? Well, the box has a fine covering in all sides that is kind of transparent. On the front of this transparent film we got the full figure itself, with a back background and with his zodiac constellation on the back of the figure, it has nice Japanese letters saying Myth Cloth EX in the middle. On each side of the box we have the same background which is like a cosmos black with stars and it has action poses of the figure. For example on one side we have Gemini doing the Galaxian Explosion and it’s just great. On the back it has the same cosmos background but now with information about the figure. It has the object mode, swappable faces that you can do the different heads and all the legal information on the back of the box. But where is the Toei sticker? This cant be it right? Well this film comes off the box, and what is inside is just marvelous. The box itself is solid gold, not real gold, but the color, and it is made as a Pandora’s box like on the anime, it has a flap on the top for you can take off the contents, and the box is just a great piece of art. Now the toy sticker is in front of the inside of the box, so look out for that if you think yours is fake. But it’s on the side were the zodiac sign is shown on the Pandora’s box. Well now let’s see what we have inside.

As I stated before, this is not a book style package, it is a flap on the top of the box that you open, and inside right away you see 3 plates, the instruction manual, and the parts to do the galaxian explosion if you bought the base. Now the plates look the same as the old myth cloth, but now we have an additional plate with only faces, and accessories which is a great welcome to the series. The first plate has the figure itself and some cloth parts, the second part is the object mode skeleton and more parts of the cloth, and the third one has all the extra hands, which I counted around 6, 3 faces with the evil one included, extra gray hair, the pvc cape, and that’s about it. The instruction manual is very simple, its gold in color and has the Pandora’s box picture on the front, it shows you how to put the figure together, the object mode and that’s about it. Nothing else, it’s very simple. So let’s review the object mode and the figure now.

The object mode is very simple to do, and the looks from him to the old one, this one is a bit taller and slimmer to look at. As we compare parts, you may see that the parts of the old Gemini are shorter, more bulky and less detailed, and as you see the parts of the new Gemini, there lighter, more detailed and the color is more true to the anime series. But the object mode is just a great new improvement to the cloth. But now let’s talk about what I was saying, the parts itself are a great change to the figure, the parts a significantly lighter and longer, but the EX figure has more die cast metal than the other myth cloth of Gemini, all the shoulders, all the chest, but not the mid piece, all the skirt, all the arms and all the legs are die cast metal, the only 2 parts that are plastic is the waist and the helmet. The helmet of the old and the new one is very different, the helmet on the old one is bigger, and the new Gemini one is smaller and slimmer but it’s a better looking one. In my opinion this is a great figure so far.

But now let’s look at the figure. The figure itself is slim, some people say he is anorexic or something, but this has a purpose. The figure itself is 7 inches tall, which is one inch bigger than the old myth cloth. This is why he is slimmer, and the parts are longer. Second the articulation is tremendous, he has a free moving torso, the arms can go great in many poses, and the legs have so much flexibility that it is unreal. But this is all with the armor off, but will he do the same with the armor on? Well let me tell you, the waist is plastic for a purpose. The waist is just a piece on itself, there is nothing attached to it. And this is why, the figure has a moving torso, so the waist goes on the middle of the figure, but it also goes inside the torso, for the torso can move freely on top of the waist part. And how cool is that? The waist is plastic for the torso to move freely on top, and that’s one great idea, and he can also twist in the waist which was not possible because the waist was always fixed cause of the parts added to it. Well it is not the case anymore. The belt and the belt parts are a whole different piece on itself, and the belt and all the pieces is die cast metal, and that is a great improvement, the torso is die cast, and the shoulders is die cast metal, the back has a whole in the torso for you to add the cape or just put the covering part of the cloth. And the fun part is that all the parts of the shoulders, are individually hinged for they to move freely, the figure has the same flexibility with the armor on, and that’s a great accomplishment. But one thing did stud out from this figure, and that are the head and the cape. The head is a very different than what we are used too. It is on a mechanism itself that you can swap the face and the hair, and the additional hair is rounded on the tip and goes in the base, just to say, you don’t have to pop the head out anymore, cause now the head just slides in which is a super improvement. And then the cape, the cape is very nice and has hinges as well inside. It has 3 movable parts and it’s just spectacular. But this is hard pvc plastic and sometimes the additional weight is to much for the figure, but if you pose him right, it does sustain the figure. Overall the figure is a perfect figure.

I welcome this new addition to my collection. I think the EX is a good step in the right direction and it’s a very beautiful figure. On a scale of 1-10 I give this figure a solid 10. I would give it a 100 if I could haha. But you deserve this figure; it belongs to any saint seiya fan out there.

Thank you to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!!

you can visit:
Saint Cloth Crown Sagittarius Seiya_picture
Bandai Saint Cloth Myth EX Gemini Saga

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