Friday, December 30, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Leo Aioria Review

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Leo Aioria pictrue
Since we got the first taste from the EX line with Gemini Saga, we are now expecting perfection with this new figure from the EX line and the new addition is Leo Aioria. As many people do not have an appendix for this figure as a myth cloth figure itself, most will look to this new figure as a replacement for the old ugly myth cloth Leo that came out in 2004. Now in 2011 we have seen many new changes and this one is one that a lot of fans have been waiting for, for a long time.

The box is the same as the Gemini Saga ex box. It has a plastic black cover on top and it’s a solid gold color on the inside of the cover. The box’s inside looks like a Pandora’s Box of Gemini’s armor like on the anime. On the plastic cover we have the figure shot on the front and with the Leo constellation on the front. As we reviewed the Gemini one, we saw it had no toei sticker and that is because the toie sticker was inside the plastic black cover. The back of the box we have the figures object mode and many ways to display the figure with many faces and with and without face armor. But the inside of the box is what we are hoping to get now.

At the inside we have 3 plates that are similar as the Gemini saga package. As you can tell on this review I will be comparing a lot the Gemini Package to the Leo one cause in the essence, they are the same layout. With this figure we don’t get effect parts like for a base, which is ok with me. On the first plate we se the figure itself with most of his cloth armor. We have the slim body as we saw before and we have all the armor that looks fantastic as of right now. On the second plate we have the object mode skeleton and the rest of the figures armor parts. And the third plate we have the money maker. We have all his swappable faces and extra pairs of hands; we have the cape and all of his accessories. Keep in mind this figure has 4 swappable faces and a degree of hands to choose from.

As I was building the object mode, I did not see any flaws with the armor. The object mode is made to perfection and I didn’t notice anything wrong with it. As I have seen many reviews out there, they say the object mode does not look like the anime, but beggars can’t be choosers. For me, I am happy they made this figure and the object mode is not my priority but to me this object mode looks perfect.

Now as we build the figure, the figure has the same plastic waist we are expected to have. Articulation of the figure is as incredible as ever and many poses you can do with the figure. Leo has more solid pieces on his armor and well on his shoulders he is not as flexible as Gemini is. Gemini has a lot of plates on his shoulders and Leo is just a solid shoulder part, which makes it a bit harder to pose but none the less, the figure has great articulation. The sculpt on the face is great and he just have so many great poses and faces that I don’t have a preference on what to pose him as. The hair sculpture is fantastic and it’s a very nice piece or myth cloth I have no complaints about the figure itself. The figure is mostly metal with the parts of his cape, the face piece and the waist being plastic, but the rest is still the same. The figure does suffer a lot of the same issues as Gemini with the cape being very heavy for the figure itself, but this one can balance a bit better with the cape on and I didn’t have a lot of issues with it.

Overall this figure is great, from the great articulation, to the great sculpture and likeness and with a lot of die cast metal, you just can’t go wrong with this figure. Ishop2go gives this figure a 9.5/10. If you are looking for a replacement of your 2004 Leo, then this is the perfect pick up for you my friend. You will be totally satisfied and I promise you will have many joys on the days to come with you purchase this figure.

And remember everybody, as we always say…
you can visit:

Bandai Saint Cloth Myth EX Leo Aioria

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