Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Power of Gold Dragon Shiryu Review

Gold Dragon Shiryu

First of all I have to say I was not a believer on this power of gold figures from the beginning. To give a brief history of this figure, the figures are a repaint of the version 2, 5 bronze saints but on the gold armor version when they transform unto gold. The only difference is that this figure now has updated version 3 heads for the figure. So let’s review the figure and as we keep going ill state my opinion on this.

As we review the box, the box is nothing special. The box is a solid black with gold trim all over and you can only make out the logo of the Pandora ’s Box of dragon in the front. On the back there are no instructions or displays it only shows you the figure on version 3 head and version 2 with the armor repaint. So as you can see right of the bat, the box is nothing special and there is nothing to make you exited as you get it. The box is very nicely made and it’s a bit compact. The box is a solid box and its not a book style package. As you take the contents inside you see the figure comes with 2 plates. The first plate is the figure itself and most of his armor parts. You can clearly see this is a generation 2 body that there using and they even have the generation 2 head on it which looks very ugly. On plate 2, you have the version 3 head and parts of the object mode. You do have some parts of the cloth but as you can see; his armor is not a lot to begin with. So, so far the figure is very simple and very straight forward. The instructions are very simple but were I see it complicated is the object mode instructions. It has the same version 2 construction as if you had the version 2 figure the instructions would be very similar. So seeing that the object mode instructions were a bit complicated I opted to start the object mode right away to see what the issue was.

So as I started building the object mode, I saw the object mode did not have a great skeleton and most parts rub on each other. This is very bad idea because this figure is not that cheap and this can damage the paint. So I was very careful on constructing it. The object mode was one of the areas I spend most of my time with. It was very difficult and not very enjoyable to make, but in the end everything looks great. The object mode look was solid and very nice to look at, but if you’re not planning on making or displaying this as an object mode, I would recommend not making it just in fear of the paint messing up.

The figure was simple to do. So many little parts on the figure it was just the head, chest, arms, waist, and legs. The only plastic you get here are the shoulders, the head parts and parts of the waist. You can have the option of putting it on version 2 head, which is very ugly, or the version 3. So I put the version 3. Well this figure suffers the same problems the version 2 has. The ankles are not stable, the figure feels cheap, I mean the plastic on the body they used on the version 2 feels cheap, and this body it’s just a reproduction of the version 2, so it still feels the same as before. You are going to have a very hard time standing the figure up because the feet have this weird mechanism that the feet are not solid on the ground. For me, the best way was to stand him on his toes, which seemed to keep him stable.

Overall the figure is a solid pick up but it’s a pass if you really are not interested on the power of gold. For the hard core collector I do recommend the figure. The figure has the same flaws as the version 2 saints but if you can pass on those flaws, you are going to enjoy the figure. The looks of the figure are great and the object mode looks is fantastic, just keep in mind that the object mode can starch your figure so buy 2 just in case. But overall this figure gets a solid 8 out of 10.

Thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember…


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