Friday, March 9, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Poseidon Royal Ornament Edition Review

As the last of the Poseidon figures I have gotten to finish my collection, this one was the one I was waiting for, for a long time.  As we reviewed before the Poseidon Regular edition, today we are going to focus more on the differences of each figure and what extra stuff you get with this great figure.  Most of you are acquainted with the old figure and the royal edition will not be a different shock than the other one.  So let’s look at this figure and see what you are about to get.

    For starters, we have the box.  The box is about twice as big as the original and you can see differences in the figure already.  The box is a standard marine green and has the picture of Poseidon and his armor on the front.  As you can tell the armor has a color change to a darker tone metal and his hair is blond.  On the back of the package the figure has many poses but the major differences are that this figure has a thrown to sit at.  It also has a lot of color changes, as well as a trident stand and his cape is red in color.  But that is the major changes on the box; let’s go see the inside of the figure.

    As for the inside, we have 2 big plates on each side. On the left side we have the figure with most of his armor and hands, we also have his robe and parts of the thrown of the figure.  On the right side we have the skeleton of the object mode, his trident with a ribbon now, missing parts of the armor of the figure, another plate for the rest of the parts of the thrown and that’s it.  You also get his new red cape on the right side as well.  The object mode is the same as easy as the other object mode.  As you see this is a human form of a cloth and object, the transformation is not difficult.  Maximum to make the figures object mode is about 10 minutes.  It is a solid figure with great looks for the object mode.

    Now let’s go to the main point.  The changes on this figure are that he has a robe, the robe is made of very soft silk and it’s very nice to feel the texture.  It is easy to put on the figure and it’s very nice to display him this way because the robe is a very nice addition to the figure.  You also see a major change on the armor, his colors are darker and it has a better look to it.  In my opinion the armor looks way better than the original and it’s a very nice addition to the armor.  The color of his hair is also a major change, as he has blond hair as like on the anime.  This is very weird of this is the first time you see Poseidon in this color form, but I totally like it, it looks more classy in my point of view.  The cape is also red and not white, and that makes the figure look even better than the original cloth.  The trident has a purple ribbon around it which the original did not have; it kind of gets on the way but it’s a nice addition.  The other new addition for this figure is the thrown.  This looks fantastic and when you put the figure on the thrown it’s great, this was a very well needed addition to the collection as most collections have a thrown of the main character of some kind. 

    The only bad part is the same bad points it had with the old armor.  The skirt is very unstable on the pegs, and the legs still don’t want to stay in position with the armor.  Parts of the armor interfere with each other and that is not good.  You would think Bandai would fix the mistakes it did on the figure but they just did the same mold and didn’t fix the old problems the other mold had.  This is very disappointing but Bandai knows we are still going to buy it with the defects.

    Overall this figure is a great addition.  If you are wondering to get this figure or the original one, I say get both!  Both look great but if you had to choose, I would go with this one, it has more for your money and it’s a great figure.  For me this figure gets a 9.5/10!

Thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and as always!

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