Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Eagle Marin Review

For over a long time, I have been a SC:\Users\Daniel\Videos\XSplit Recordings\LocalRecording - ShadowVeinsaint Seiya fan and I always wanted a figure of Eagle Marin for my collection.  Most of the figures in the market do not look that great, but when Bandai announced that they were going to do the figure on the myth cloth line, I just got very excited.  So for many fans this is a dream come true, and for me this was no exception.  We are going to review today Eagle Marin from the Saint Cloth Myth Line.

           The first thing you need to notice is the box.  It has a very nice silver color with the picture of Marin on the front.  This is a book style kind of package and on the side it says Saint Cloth Myth, and on the bottom it says Eagle Cloth, with a picture of the object mode in the middle.  The back of the box has very nice poses for the figure and it shows every form this figure can go.  They also show you the object mode and the figure without her facemask.  When you open the package you can see it’s a double sized window package and on the top of the package it says Silver Saint, and on the bottom it says Marin.  Opening the package is very simple and you get 2 plates with the figure.  One plate is for the figure itself with most of her armor and faces. 

The second plate has most of the parts for the object mode, the base for the object mode, and other training accessories this figure comes with for her training costume.  The instruction manual is kind of hard to follow, but if you pay attention the figure has 3 different colors on the manual.  Each color represents each form of the figure and how to build it.  If the instructions are hard to follow just look at the pictures on the box and you can see the forms she comes with.

           The object mode is very easy to make.  There are some parts that are kind of tricky to put on but in the end you get a very beautiful figure and object mode.  The object mode is suspended in the air and the base does support the weight of the object.  Overall the object mode has a solid 10/10 in likeness.  Now for the main figure, I will review the metal and plastic parts first.  The head parts which you can switch out are all plastic; the little rings that go in her wrist are plastic as well.  The chest, shoulder, and blue knees are all metal, everything else is plastic.  As you all know this figure comes with 3 ways to display her.  She comes with her full armor, which looks great; the figure does not have any weight issues and very balanced.  The second way to display her is like she comes out in the anime, with some parts of the armor removed.  Now this version is very attractive.  You can see the detail Bandai put in this figure and how well made she is.  He skin tone is perfect, the way the arms and legs are made are perfect, and even on her back side she has very well put curves that stay true to the animation.  And the last mode you can put her in is in her training mode.  Be careful, for this mode you have to take off all the armor and replace her chest with the chest with a little peg on the shoulder.  This peg is to put the plastic training shoulder that she uses when training.  You also replace the knees with plastic gray knees, but everything else stays the same.  Now the most important part of a figure, as I have told all of you, is the face.  Her metal face or mask is very well made, looks exactly like the character, but I think where this figure shines is on her normal face.  This figures face is Beautiful in every right of the word.  The way they sculpted the face and the way she just looks is amazing.  Bandai has made a super figure out of an ordinary figure.  The face is the most important feature in this figure and what makes this figure so special.  Even with Shaina before, her face was really good, but Marin’s Face is just fantastic.  I can’t say enough things to express how happy I am with her face.  It is just a masterpiece.

           So how would I rate this figure overall, me personally I give this a 10/10.  The object mode was perfect, the face is great, and the armor and body are fantastic.  Some people may say that she has a big chest part on the metal piece, but I think it looks ok when you put all her armor on.  Overall this figure is one for the ages, and a very important piece in your collection.

Thank you iShop2go for letting me review this figure, and remember guys…


Product Link

1 comment:

  1. I can see that you are putting a lot of efforts into your blog. Keep posting the good work.Some really helpful information in there. Nice to see your site. Thanks!

    Saint Cloth Myth
