Monday, July 30, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Pegasus Seiya review

           There has been many makes of this figure.  Version 1, version 2, version 3, and the list goes on and on.  But after so long, people are still in love with the character that took the world by storm in the 1980’s and that’s Pegasus seiya.  Now in the year 2012 Bandai with their new EX line has remade the icon from the series in a beautiful articulated work of art.  But what makes this figure different?  Why should you get this figure even though you have the rest?  Well let’s answer this question for you today.

           First as we see the box, we can tell that the box seems very different than the other myth cloth EX that have come out before.  This box gives you the feel that the figure actually has a different box design which is not the case.  Because the aurora of the figure on the box display is blue, people think that the figure box looks different, I assure you, and it’s an optical illusion.  But the box has the same plastic cover on top and a gray Pandora ’s Box design of Pegasus seiya on the inside of the plastic.  

Inside the package we have the 3 plates that you will be getting with this figure, and most people were thinking that the figure was not going to be worth the price range because it would not have enough armor to justify the 70-80 dollar price range.  Well, when you see the plates, that view is going to change.  The first plate is loaded with the figure itself and all the armor this figure has to offer.  The first plate is kind of heavy and you can feel the weight when you lift it up.  The second plate is very simple; it only has the skeleton of the object mode and small parts of the wings.  But were this figure shines is that on other release they would just finish here, but they didn’t.  Plate number 3 has a whole new set of armor that has damage, so if you think about it, you get 2 sets of armors at the same time and we don’t have to wait for a separate release of the figure for the second version of him.  With one EX cloth, you have both, and that’s great for me.

Now the object mode can be made in different ways, you can use the regular armor, or you can use the broken armor.  For this review I have used the regular armor and making the object mode is almost as easy as making the figure.  There are no complications and because Pegasus Seiya does not use a lot of armor, there are not a lot of pieces to work with, so the assembly is perfect.  Also the object mode looks stunning and very attention getting, and if use the second set you can see how the armor is broken, you can even display it that way to give the illusion of him not wearing the broken armor.  Either way the object mode is a very solid addition to this figure.

Now for the main figure, the figure itself is a fantastic piece of artwork and a very great addition to it.  The faces look perfect and even though I think some faces don’t look right on him, some people may like them so it’s a matter of taste on that department.  The figure looks great on his full armor mode but when I stand him still, well the figure looks kind of odd.  This figure is mostly meant for action poses, that’s why the EX line of Saint Seiya are meant to do.  As I changed his pose to a more action heavy pose, I was more satisfied with the figure than just him standing still.  One thing that I did notice is the inner part of the legs, the ones with the joints connecting to his waist, you can see that the plastic used there is a different color, and the prototype was all the same color.  I think this addition is not very well received by the community, but I didn’t mind that much, the figure still looks great, but to some this can be a very deal breaking point.
So do I recommend this figure?  Yes I give this figure a 10 out of 10.  I think this figure and Gemini Saga have been one of the best figures that have come out of the myth cloth line.  It’s a must buy for a saint seiya fan and a must buy for a fan of figures in general.

Thanks to iShop2go for letting me review this figure, and remember everybody, Go out and buy it!

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