Friday, March 1, 2013

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Virgo Shaka Review

For Many years, people have known the name of Virgo Shaka as one of the most important gold saints in the series.  With the release of the 2005 Virgo Shaka for the Myth Cloth line, people were kind of disappointed with the fact that the figure was really badly made.  Bandai corrected this issue with the release of the appendix of the Virgo Shaka with very satisfying results.  But after many years, a lot of people have not been able to get their hands on this one of a kind figure for their collections and they are now looking for a replacement for this iconic character, and that’s what the EX version brings to the table.  Does this figure live up to the expectations of the fans?  Let’s find out today.

         The box is a standard box with the normal plastic covering on the Pandora’s Box of Virgo Shaka.  In the front we can they see the figure itself and the constellation of Virgo.  Next we can see on the sides of the box the object mode and the figure itself doing one if his iconic powers with the green glow all around it.  On the back of the box we can see the figure, the object mode, and the many ways you can pose the figure.  It shows you the five faces it has and how very well they look with the figure.  When you take of the cover you can see the normal Pandora’s Box layout of the box with the Virgo symbol on the box.

         When you open the box, you have a total of 4 buster cards the figure comes with.  On buster number one we can see the figure itself, parts of the arms, legs, and chest of the figure.  

Buster 2 and 3 come together and we can see the object mode skeleton, the base for the sitting position of the figure, some parts of the helmet and the waist and the rosaries it has when he is in the hades chapter of the series.  

On buster number 4, we can see the cape, the other four faces it comes with and 14 hands which let you pose the figure in whatever iconic position you wish.  It also comes with the top part of the figures sitting base and the flexible chest piece.

 The instruction manual is very easy to ready and very simple to follow.  It lays out all the parts you have to work with and shows you how to put the figure in his object mode and on the figure itself.  It also shows you how to put the figure in his sitting position as shown in the Anime which is a very good addition to the manual.

         As you build the object mode, you can tell the figure is made to perfection.  The figure has many simple mechanisms and has specific parts only for the object mode.  The wings on the helmet come separately for the object mode for they can look more natural on the figure.  Also the wings on the back are a separate part for the object mode itself and they insert on the back, like the cape or a cap would be.  Overall the figures’ object mode is very well made and because of his human form, it’s very easy to build.

         Now to the figure, the figure is very well made and does not take long to make.  The figure is 90 percent metals with only the helmet and the waist as plastic parts.  Even the parts that cover the small of the shoulder are metal which a lot of the other gold saints did not have.  It also has two pairs of shoulders.  One pair is solid steel and the other one is made up of flexible plates.  

This other chest piece makes the figure have more flexibility and more poses on extreme measures.  The solid piece is very good as well because if you just want to have him in one position, maybe the solid shoulders would work better with you.  The flexible shoulders are a bit tricky to make them look natural but with patience you can get the look that you want.  

This figure also comes with another extra hair for the figure.  This hair is only put when you are using the helmet on the figure, you do not use this piece when you have him on his normal hair without the helmet.  The shoulders do have a clip mechanism that works with the chest piece and be very careful that you fully insert them, if you do not insert them properly, the figures chest and shoulders will not insert right and will not lock in place.  The five faces the figure has are amazing in their own right and look very well put on the figure.  Even the screaming ones that other times the other figures will look bad with, this figure makes them look right.  Other problem that you might have is posing the figure in his sitting form.  I was trying to do this and the skirt parts were just falling apart when I was trying to put him on the position.  Take your time and figure out how the angles will work with the figure and you should have no problems putting this figure in this position.

         I would have to say that this figure is one of my favorites that has come out on the EX line.  The 3 best figures of the EX line for me would be the Gemini Saga, The Pegasus Seiya, and now this one.  It is an amazing piece of art and if you love saint seiya it’s a must buy.  Overall you might have some problems posing him but overall the figure is amazing I give this figure a 9.5 out of 10.

Thanks to iShop2go for letting me review this figure.

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