Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Libra Dohko Review

Many fans love this cloth with a passion, but the only Libra cloth that we ever got before the EX will be released is the 2005 Libra from the myth cloth line.  Needless to say we know that the first gold saints were not perfect and this cloth is one of the worst, but what makes it bad that people just want to display the object mode of this figure?  Let’s find out today!

         The box is a standard myth cloth box with the figure on the front with the animated picture behind him.  The box is a book style kind of package and on the side it says saint cloth myth and on the bottom it says Libra Cloth.  The back has a standard display of the figure and parts of the object mode.  The box is the standard gold color most gold saints had at the time.

         Opening the package, each side had 2 busters, on side number one we had the figure itself with parts of the armor, and on the back there were some weapons for the weapons Libra has on the object mode.  On side number 2 we have the skeleton of the object mode and the face of Dragon Shiryu if you want to put the cloth with his face on it.  You also had another layer with most weapons for the cloth.  The manual is very short and to the point, as most cloths of 2005 had very big parts and they were simple to make.

         No building the object mode was a lot of fun.  It has very different mechanism than any other gold myth cloth and you can tell that they spend a lot of their time to perfect this mode.  The object mode gets a solid 10 for me as it’s a very nice display piece.

         Now building the figure the first thing you will see is that the face is just wrong.  It looks horrible and the figure just is very unstable at the ankles.  The figure has very big parts and a lot of metal.  The only parts I can see that are plastic is the head helmet, the outside of the shields, the bottom parts of some weapons, and that’s about it.  The rest is a massive solid piece of metal that the ankles of a generation 1 myth cloth body cannot handle.  Also the shields seem to me very big for the figure, they look fantastic for the object mode, but they do not look good on the figure itself.  

All the weapons as well are metal and this makes the figure even heavier, needless to say, the figure had balance and weight issues all the time and was not able to stand for a long time.  The shape of the feet does not help as well, as they are pointy as the animation, but they do not distribute the weight evenly upon completion of the figure.

         So it seems that I’m just complaining of the figure, but the figure has its good qualities.  As the object mode, this figure is beautiful and I think this figure was meant to be on the object mode.  The figure mode is very unstable and not recommended to have.  If you’re going to have this figure up for display, I recommend to wait for the human form of the EX line and have this figure as an object mode, as it looks way better.

Thank you iShop2go for letting me review this figure.

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