Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Pieces Aphrodite

For over many years we have seen that most myth cloth collectors have been very satisfied with the product of Pieces Aphrodite from the myth cloth line.  Most of us would think of that figure as perfect in many ways and very well made.  But Bandai has changed many things for this new form of Aphrodite and it could be for good, or it could be for the worst.  Today we are going to see this figure in action and judge once and for all if the myth of this figure true.
            So we start with the box itself, the box is a standard myth cloth EX box with the plastic cover that surrounds the box that has the shape of a Pandora’s box of Pieces.  On the front of the box we can see the figure itself and the constellation of the character, on the side we can see the object mode and the figure doing one of his poses, and on the back we can see the figure in many poses and the object mode as well.  When you open the box you have the same 2 buster type packages and the instruction manual for you can construct the figure and the object mode. 

On buster number one, we can see that we have the figure itself and we have parts of the armor with include the arms and the legs.  We also have the hands in many variation in this buster.  On buster number 2, we got the object mode skeleton and we have the rest of the armor for the figure.  On buster number 3, we have the 4 faces and we have the cape and the rest of the items for the figure.  The manual is very easy to read and very simple to follow, if you have built other saint seiya figure, you already know that it’s not a hard build.

The object mode of the figure was not very hard at all, I can simply say that the object mode has almost the same built as the old object mode of the myth cloth line.  The object mode took me no more than 10 minutes to make.  Overall the object mode looks a lot better than its counterpart, and in many ways it has great innovations of how they use the parts for the object mode.  I can honestly say that they used all the parts to make the object mode more realistic for the fan.

Now the figure was something out of this world, most of the pictures I had seen before I got my hands on this figure were very bad and the eyes looked like he was cross sighted at some point.  I am very happy to declare that this is not the case.  The faces look great and the aesthetic of the figure is fantastic I can honestly say that this figure look even greater that the old myth cloth, and that’s a hard thing to do.  Sure the old myth cloth has a very great accuracy to the animation, but when you see the EX version, there is something about it that makes it seem so perfect.  I cant explain it until you have it in front of you, then you can feel my happiness when I talk about this figure.  The figure is made to perfection and the faces are fantastic, the figure is mostly 95 percent metal and only the helmet and the waist are plastic.  

The cape is not an issue with this figure and does add a sort of classiness to the figure, but it look great without it.  Overall I have to say the figure is one of a kind and it deserves to be with the best made of the EX line like Pegasus Seiya or Gemini Saga.

So what rating would I give this figure?  I would give him a 10/10 in everything.  Pictures speak louder than words and today my pictures will do the talking.  I think it’s a masterpiece and if you don’t have it because you think your old myth cloth does the job, I have to say, you are mistaken and need to get this figure as soon as possible.

Thanks to iShop2go for letting me review this great figure and remember! Go out and buy it!

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