Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Cancer Deathmask Review

As the most hated or the coolest character in the series, Cancer Deathmask has become an icon of evil in the saint seiya universe.  I remember him since I was a child and I really never liked him as a character, but as a cloth for collection is another different story. Bandai made most of the gold saints in the year 2004 to 2006 in the hope to reopen the saint seiya market, and it did with great success, but with the money they were charging for the figures, the people wanted quality on the figures which the figures of 2004 and 2005 did not provide.  Cancer Deathmask was made in 2005 but his one of the better looking cloths for that year.
So starting with the box we see it’s the same book style kind of package with a gold box.  The figure is displayed completed in the front with an animated form of Cancer Deathmask in the front as well.  We have the Bandai logo on the front with the Toei sticker in some packages.  On the side of the box we see it says “Saint Cloth Myth” and on the bottom it Says “Cancer Cloth” and the zodiac sign of cancer in the middle.  In the back of the box it’s a simple plain cloth with cancer doing a power on Death Valley, we have pictures of Cancer with and without his headpiece on and different poses he can be in.  As you open the box you see the standard layout of the window package, figure on the left, object on the right, on the border of the box you also see it says “Gold Saint” on the top and “Deathmask” on the bottom. So let’s review the package inside for a closer look.

As we see the package inside we see on side A we have the cape, the instructions and plate A with the figure and most of his cloth parts, it has most of his hands and even and extra pointing hand for he can be posed doing his power.  On the right side or side B we have most of the object mode skeleton.  As a 2005 cloth this figure is very simple to make, there are not a lot of parts on the cloth and the build looks very easy.  As you look in the instruction manual you see that there are very few instructions on how to build it, sometimes even too little to know what you are doing.  Luckily I have done so many myth cloths that I already know the process and the manual is just a bonus.  What I really need the manual for is the object mode.  The object mode is a bit weird with cancer but let’s see when we put him together.

As I put the object mode together, one thing I did notice is that the legs of the object mode have to pop inwards in the skeleton, this process is not said by the instruction manual but it is important to finish the object mode itself, but after you finish doing that the build is easy.  The object mode is very well made and very solid.  When you pick it up you can see it is very heavy but very well made.  Not like other 2004 or 2005 cloths this figure most of the parts of the object mode due cover the skeleton, the only parts of the skeleton that there is no myth cloth parts is the back legs of cancer, but you have to pay very close attention for that detail.  So the object mode I give it a perfect 9 out of 10.  So let’s go build the figure itself and see how this cloth is different from the rest.
As we build the figure, you can see this figure is very different from the rest.  The cloth is a bit slimmer and very close to the body compared to other cloths on that year, the face is a bit better made but not close enough, the thing you can see right away that it’s a 2005 cloth is his neck.  The neck looks horrible with a V shape on it, this is one of the distinctive features that you can see on the old cloths, the very bad neck they have and the face sculpt sometimes they are very big.  This face is ok, still does not look like the surplice cancer but its ok.  The cloth is a different story, very well made, very slim, and very true to the figure itself.  From the shoulders to the feet, the cloth itself looks perfect.  The face piece, shoulders, and the extra chest part are the only plastic parts on the cloth with the waist included as always.  The legs due have 2 sharp die cast metal points that are very sharp, so you may want to warn you kids about that issue if you are buying it for them.
Overall the cloth is great, the object mode is superb and the figure is not that bad for a 2005 figure.  The neck and the face are a bit off on this figure but this figure is one of the best made in this year.  Maybe in the near future we will see an appendix made for this figure but maybe not, because we have not even seen a prototype of the appendix.  But even if the figure does not get one, I’m still happy with all the features it comes with.  Overall the figure itself gets a score of 8 out of 10, which in my part is way better than other cloths on that year had.  But if you are thinking of getting this cloth, you will be very happy you got it, I know I did for sure, even if it’s an old model.

I want to thank ishop2go for letting me review this great figure once again and remember guys… GO OUT AND BUY IT!!

You can visit:
Bandai Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Gold Cancer Deathmask

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