Friday, March 15, 2013

Tamashii Nation Limited, Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Argol Perseus Specter Review

         This figures first release was a disaster for the saint seiya community as most people were expecting a very high quality figure when the first figure came out in 2010.  After Bandai has announced the release of this actual figure, most people were skeptical of the fact that Bandai does only repaint and never fixes the problems of the figures.  Will Bandai live to the reputation of not listening to the customers yet again?  Let’s find out today!

         The box is a standard hades box which we have not seen in a while, as this is a Tamashii Nation exclusive, the figure does not have an open middle section as most myth cloth do.  The box is a color purple with black and has the figure on the front with the object mode behind that picture. On the side we see the medusa shield and the specter letters for the figure.  On the back we can see the object mode and many poses for the figure. 

         When you open the box, the figure has 3 busters.  It has two main ones, on buster number 1, it has the figure itself, parts of the armor, and the hands.  Buster number 2, it has the skeleton of the object mode and some other parts of the armor, and buster number 3, it has 2 new faces for the old figure, and an additional face for the figure we have today.

         As I build the object mode, the figure felt the same when I was building it; it had the same issues as the object mode had before, as parts of the skirt were not fitting with each other but at the same time, it was a bit different in the way the parts were put on the figure.  Overall the object mode was a very nice and easy experience with a total of around 10 minutes to make.

         Now as we build the figure, first thing I notice was the improved face.  The face was very well made and looked very different as the first release.  Now these faces look like the character of the anime and do not have a blank stare as the other one.  The detail on the hair was perfection and I think this time they fixed the problem with the face.  They give you remodeled faces for the old model which is good, but they do not give you other parts to fix the many problems it has with the old version.  The armor feels solid and the color purple with black matches that figure perfectly.  I have to say from the 2 releases, this release was the best one for me, as it feels more complete than the first one.  And now the major part of the figure is the ankles of the figure.  

 The ankles are very solid and don’t have the balance issue it had on the first release, the figure can even stand on itself with no problem.  I am very happy that I’m able to pose the figure with no problems what so ever.  The figure is composed of 80 percent metal with the exception of the face mask, and the waist, the figure is a great addition to the specter section of the hades chapter.

         So is it worth buying?  I give it a solid 10, this is what the figure had to be in the first place and Bandai did it right this time.  It’s a sad reality that Bandai did not execute this figure like this 2 years ago but I’m satisfied with this figure.

Thank you to iShop2go for letting me review this figure.

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