Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Phoenix Ikki Review

To get this product and even more please visit our sponsore at

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 10 Selling in November / New Release in December 2012

Top 10 Selling in November / New Release in December 2012

This video displays the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular items in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show!

Welcome to :
December New Release items can be found @

Top 10 Selling in November / New Release in December 2012

Top 10 Selling in November / New Release in December 2012 This video displays the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular items in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show! Welcome to : December New Release items can be found @

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

TAMASHII Limited in iShop2go

Start from this month, we would show all current Tamashii Limited available in iShop2go.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Top 10 Selling in October / New Release in November 2012

This video displays the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular items in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show!

Welcome to : 

November New Release items can be found @

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Top 10 Selling in September / New Release in October 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show! welcome to : September New Release items can be found @

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bandai Saint Cloth Crown Sea Emperor Poseidon

Today we bring you the best Saint Cloth Crown up to date so far and you can get this at your favorite store iShop2go. Link for this product is:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Folei Bases For Saint Seiya Cygnus for Cygnus Hyoga (HD)

This is the new bases made by Folei for the saint seiya myth cloth line. this is one of a kind bases and very nice to have. iShop2go has these bases in stock right now. to get yours go to:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

iShop2go Introductionn

This is an introduction video for iShop2go Gundam shop. You can check from this video what are selling in iShop2go and also the social network of it. Want more details, please check this video.

Learn More:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Top 10 Selling in August / New Releaasae in September 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show!

welcome to : September New Release items can be found @

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Folei Bases of Saint Seiya Andromeda for Andromeda Shun (Full HD)

This is the new bases made by Folei for the saint seiya myth cloth line. this are one of a kind bases and very nice to have.

iShop2go has these bases in stock right now. to get yours go to:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top 10 Selling in Jul, 2012 / New Release in Aug, 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside? Enjoy the show!
welcome to : August New Release items can be found @

Monday, July 30, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Pegasus Seiya review

           There has been many makes of this figure.  Version 1, version 2, version 3, and the list goes on and on.  But after so long, people are still in love with the character that took the world by storm in the 1980’s and that’s Pegasus seiya.  Now in the year 2012 Bandai with their new EX line has remade the icon from the series in a beautiful articulated work of art.  But what makes this figure different?  Why should you get this figure even though you have the rest?  Well let’s answer this question for you today.

           First as we see the box, we can tell that the box seems very different than the other myth cloth EX that have come out before.  This box gives you the feel that the figure actually has a different box design which is not the case.  Because the aurora of the figure on the box display is blue, people think that the figure box looks different, I assure you, and it’s an optical illusion.  But the box has the same plastic cover on top and a gray Pandora ’s Box design of Pegasus seiya on the inside of the plastic.  

Inside the package we have the 3 plates that you will be getting with this figure, and most people were thinking that the figure was not going to be worth the price range because it would not have enough armor to justify the 70-80 dollar price range.  Well, when you see the plates, that view is going to change.  The first plate is loaded with the figure itself and all the armor this figure has to offer.  The first plate is kind of heavy and you can feel the weight when you lift it up.  The second plate is very simple; it only has the skeleton of the object mode and small parts of the wings.  But were this figure shines is that on other release they would just finish here, but they didn’t.  Plate number 3 has a whole new set of armor that has damage, so if you think about it, you get 2 sets of armors at the same time and we don’t have to wait for a separate release of the figure for the second version of him.  With one EX cloth, you have both, and that’s great for me.

Now the object mode can be made in different ways, you can use the regular armor, or you can use the broken armor.  For this review I have used the regular armor and making the object mode is almost as easy as making the figure.  There are no complications and because Pegasus Seiya does not use a lot of armor, there are not a lot of pieces to work with, so the assembly is perfect.  Also the object mode looks stunning and very attention getting, and if use the second set you can see how the armor is broken, you can even display it that way to give the illusion of him not wearing the broken armor.  Either way the object mode is a very solid addition to this figure.

Now for the main figure, the figure itself is a fantastic piece of artwork and a very great addition to it.  The faces look perfect and even though I think some faces don’t look right on him, some people may like them so it’s a matter of taste on that department.  The figure looks great on his full armor mode but when I stand him still, well the figure looks kind of odd.  This figure is mostly meant for action poses, that’s why the EX line of Saint Seiya are meant to do.  As I changed his pose to a more action heavy pose, I was more satisfied with the figure than just him standing still.  One thing that I did notice is the inner part of the legs, the ones with the joints connecting to his waist, you can see that the plastic used there is a different color, and the prototype was all the same color.  I think this addition is not very well received by the community, but I didn’t mind that much, the figure still looks great, but to some this can be a very deal breaking point.
So do I recommend this figure?  Yes I give this figure a 10 out of 10.  I think this figure and Gemini Saga have been one of the best figures that have come out of the myth cloth line.  It’s a must buy for a saint seiya fan and a must buy for a fan of figures in general.

Thanks to iShop2go for letting me review this figure, and remember everybody, Go out and buy it!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Eagle Marin Review

For over a long time, I have been a SC:\Users\Daniel\Videos\XSplit Recordings\LocalRecording - ShadowVeinsaint Seiya fan and I always wanted a figure of Eagle Marin for my collection.  Most of the figures in the market do not look that great, but when Bandai announced that they were going to do the figure on the myth cloth line, I just got very excited.  So for many fans this is a dream come true, and for me this was no exception.  We are going to review today Eagle Marin from the Saint Cloth Myth Line.

           The first thing you need to notice is the box.  It has a very nice silver color with the picture of Marin on the front.  This is a book style kind of package and on the side it says Saint Cloth Myth, and on the bottom it says Eagle Cloth, with a picture of the object mode in the middle.  The back of the box has very nice poses for the figure and it shows every form this figure can go.  They also show you the object mode and the figure without her facemask.  When you open the package you can see it’s a double sized window package and on the top of the package it says Silver Saint, and on the bottom it says Marin.  Opening the package is very simple and you get 2 plates with the figure.  One plate is for the figure itself with most of her armor and faces. 

The second plate has most of the parts for the object mode, the base for the object mode, and other training accessories this figure comes with for her training costume.  The instruction manual is kind of hard to follow, but if you pay attention the figure has 3 different colors on the manual.  Each color represents each form of the figure and how to build it.  If the instructions are hard to follow just look at the pictures on the box and you can see the forms she comes with.

           The object mode is very easy to make.  There are some parts that are kind of tricky to put on but in the end you get a very beautiful figure and object mode.  The object mode is suspended in the air and the base does support the weight of the object.  Overall the object mode has a solid 10/10 in likeness.  Now for the main figure, I will review the metal and plastic parts first.  The head parts which you can switch out are all plastic; the little rings that go in her wrist are plastic as well.  The chest, shoulder, and blue knees are all metal, everything else is plastic.  As you all know this figure comes with 3 ways to display her.  She comes with her full armor, which looks great; the figure does not have any weight issues and very balanced.  The second way to display her is like she comes out in the anime, with some parts of the armor removed.  Now this version is very attractive.  You can see the detail Bandai put in this figure and how well made she is.  He skin tone is perfect, the way the arms and legs are made are perfect, and even on her back side she has very well put curves that stay true to the animation.  And the last mode you can put her in is in her training mode.  Be careful, for this mode you have to take off all the armor and replace her chest with the chest with a little peg on the shoulder.  This peg is to put the plastic training shoulder that she uses when training.  You also replace the knees with plastic gray knees, but everything else stays the same.  Now the most important part of a figure, as I have told all of you, is the face.  Her metal face or mask is very well made, looks exactly like the character, but I think where this figure shines is on her normal face.  This figures face is Beautiful in every right of the word.  The way they sculpted the face and the way she just looks is amazing.  Bandai has made a super figure out of an ordinary figure.  The face is the most important feature in this figure and what makes this figure so special.  Even with Shaina before, her face was really good, but Marin’s Face is just fantastic.  I can’t say enough things to express how happy I am with her face.  It is just a masterpiece.

           So how would I rate this figure overall, me personally I give this a 10/10.  The object mode was perfect, the face is great, and the armor and body are fantastic.  Some people may say that she has a big chest part on the metal piece, but I think it looks ok when you put all her armor on.  Overall this figure is one for the ages, and a very important piece in your collection.

Thank you iShop2go for letting me review this figure, and remember guys…


Product Link

Monday, June 4, 2012

Top 10 Selling in May, 2012 / New Release in Jun, 2012

 This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Enjoy the show! welcome to :

 June New Release items can be found @

Friday, June 1, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Lizard Misty Appendix Review

this figure is a very nice figure and if you like what you see you can always visit our great sponsors at link for this product is

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Scorpio Milo Review

Since we have started to get EX figures, there’s always something people don’t like about one of the figures. I think most of us are very content with the first 2 or 3 figures of the series of the EX line and don’t pay much attention and preorder the next in the line. To inform the reader before you go deeper in this review, all this is my opinion as a reviewer and no way intended to change your mind. So lets start with the new addition of the EX line today, with Scorpio Milo. The old myth cloth had very bad defects and one appendix did come out to fix the issue. The old myth cloth looks great, but now Bandai says that this new EX figure will change the ideas of the world. Let’s see if they are true.

As we see the box, the box is the same as the other myth cloth lines. It has a transparent kind of plastic layer on top with the picture of the figure and his constellation in the front. As you turn you see the object mode on the left side of the box, and the figure with some poses on the right side of the box. On the back of the box we can see the figure doing many poses and some pictures of the object mode. As you take this plastic transparent sleeve off, we can see the second layer of the box which is the same as the other EX boxes. It’s all gold with the shape of the Pandora’s Box of Scorpio.

The inside of the box is not that different as the rest. It comes with 3 plates; the first plate comes with the figure itself, parts of the arms and legs, and shoulders. The second plate comes with the skeleton of the object mode, the skirt and chest plate, and some other parts of the figure. The third plate comes with his cape, hands, 3 faces, and his replaceable hairs. The instruction manual is very easy to follow and very short and easy to understand. This figure, because it’s the first run of this EX, comes with a plastic hologram if you can call it that, that you can put the figure behind it, and can look like his doing the scarlet needle.

Doing the object mode, I was very happy that this object mode was better than the first one. The object mode is very solid and very easy to make. The inclusion of extra parts to replicate the claws is just very nice and looks super good on the figure. On the object mode side, I give the object mode a 10 out of 10 in rating.

So as I build the figure itself, I have many opinions on this so let’s start with the good points. The armor on this figure is excellent. The figure’s armor just looks fantastic and it’s very solid. The figure itself does not have weight issues as the old myth cloth, and that is very nice to know. And now to the bad parts. If you see the animated figure or the anime, you can see the hands of Scorpio Milo are a bit darker than the cloth. Sometimes the color of his hands matches the other dark gold on his armor. Well in this figure, they changed the color to simulate the color, but the color is all wrong. The color of the hands came out kind of a light mustard yellow and in no way or form does this look dark to represent the anime. The hands color is almost like the old myth cloth hands of 2004 were Bandai’s job was very horrible on the figure. This color is a shame and very disappointing. Another thing is this characters face. When I have reviewed figure before, I have told you that what makes the figure is the face. This figures faces are just horrible. The figure in my opinion does not look like Scorpio milo in any way or form. The faces are just very disproportionate and very ugly. If you see the old appendix that came out of Scorpio milo, that figure or appendix looks fantastic. The face is down and they hair and everything looks fantastic on that appendix. But on this figure its just a disaster. Why could they not just copy the face? They already had the mold, why mess it up? This is clearly to show you Bandai does not pay attention to their lines, and just lets bad products go into the market. They clearly don’t have a staff that makes the sculptures that love saint seiya. A person that loves the series would have seen this mistake and not let this kind of quality go through the door.

Overall this figure is a solid buy but very disappointing as well. If you don’t have the money to buy the old myth Cloth with his appendix, this is a good way to go. And if you have the old myth cloth but you are tired to see your figure fall, then this is a good buy for you. Overall this figure deserves a 7out of 10 in grade. It’s very disappointing to see this kind of work from a juggernaut of a company, and it’s just a sad figure in the end.

Thank you to iShop2go for letting me review this figure and remember everybody… Go out and buy it!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Scorpio Milo Review

For this and even more visit your friendly store
they have from Saint Seiya, to Kamen Rider and more.

For this product please press the link below

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Top 10 Selling in Apr, 2012 / New Release in May, 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Start from this month, we would put those April new release in this video as well. So you would have a complete picture on what are the best selling and new releases. Enjoy the show!

May New Release items can be found @

Saint Cloth Myth EX Gemini Saga (Display Modes)

Get this figure and more at

direct link is

Saint Cloth Myth EX Gemini Saga Review

Get this figure and more at

Product Link

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Perseus Argol Review

This is the review of the Saint Seiya myth cloth Perseus Argol Figure by bandai.

Product Link

Besides, Bandai will release a black Limited Persus Argol in August. It now can pre-order in iShop2go. Please visit

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Bennu Kagaho Review

As a lot of the young generation of people knows Saint Seiya Lost Canvas and a lot of old people would like to forget it as well.  But no matter what people say about the series, it did have some memorable characters to have a myth cloth about.  Today we are going to review the Kagaho Bennu myth cloth from the saint seiya lost canvas.  We will see if this specter measures up to the hype of high dollar price people are asking for, for this figure.

    First of all let’s review the box and the package.  The box is a book style kind of package but the color of the box is a very light pink.  It also has the character in the front in his animated form and in his toy form as well.  The side of the box is the same which has Saint Cloth Myth on the top and Kagaho on the bottom.  The back of the box has the figure in many different poses and him doing some of his signature moves.  When you open the box in the middle you see it has a double sided window package and on the top it says specter and on the bottom it says Bennu.  So when you open the package, what you can notice is that the figure comes in 2 buster cards on each side.  On the left side we have the figure itself with most of his armor, and on the small buster we have parts of the wings.  On the right side of the package, we see the skeleton of the object mode, which is not a lot, and another small buster with the other wing this figure needs.  The instruction manual is very complicated to read, and a lot of the instructions are very unclear, and that is not a good sign when we’re talking about myth cloth.

    So starting with the object mode, this figure is a disaster.  The object mode does not balance well and there is no stand to put the object mode on.  The wings make it super heavy and the figure rocks back and forth all the time.  On normal wooden countertops or plastic, this figure will not be stable at all. I was lucky to have him on a soft base that the claws of the feet could dig in and stabilize the figure.  The wings are very fragile and they try to pop off when you are not careful or extend them too much.  As for the figure, it had the same problems.  He was very top heavy and he is always trying to do the splits.  Because the wings are too heavy for the figure, the top part goes back and the figure is not stable at all.  The only way I was able to get this figure to balance was to put him on a base in the air and that is a big maybe.  The figure cannot sustain the weight it has on the body and this spells disaster.  The figure is mostly made of some die cast and a lot of plastic.  The shoulders, arms and legs are die cast metal, and some parts of the skirt.  The head, wings and other parts on his body like the waist are plastic.  Even though the wings are plastic, they are very heavy and they don’t look good when you have to spread them to balance the figure.

    Overall this figure is not for the faint of heart.  This figure has been the first saint seiya figure out of around 150 that I truly didn’t like at all.  It does have good points like the visuals look like the animation, the sculpture is great, but after that, it’s all downhill from there.  I would say to not buy this figure if your brand new to the series, make sure if you are going to buy it, you have experience already with other myth cloths, or that you really know how to deal with this figure.  Overall this figure gets 7 out of 10 for me.  This figure has become very disappointing.  Don’t get me wrong, the figure is great in its own right; just make sure you know what you’re buying before you complain.

Thank you to Ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember people.
Go out and buy it!

Product Link

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Merak Hagen Review

For all your saint seiya needs please visit your friendly store

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Top 10 Selling in Mar, 2012 / New Release in Apr, 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous month selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Start from this month, we would put those April new release in this video as well. So you would have a complete picture on what are the best selling and new releases. Enjoy the show!

Welcome to

Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Black Phoenix Ikki Review

The introduction from Wikipedia :
The Phoenix Black (ブラック フェニックス, Burakkufenikkusu) Ikki acts accompanied by a small group of followers or Men Support to help you is your area, is a Band or Group "sub-men" of average build and black uniforms similar to their Armor.

Many collectors buy 5 in total to have this small group formed. Have you purchased? Check out the details from the video.
Product link is

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saint Cloth Myth Appendix Dragon Shiryu Plain Clothes Review

We have again Plain Clothes review today. 1 Myth cloth Appendix for Seiya has been posted yesterday. This one is Dragon Shiryu and has repeated review here to let you all from easy checking the difference between the 2. We would post Ikki myth review by tomorrow. Enjoy the show.

Product Link

Friday, March 30, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Appendix Pegasus Seiya Plain Clothes

We have Plain Clothes from review today. There are 2 Myth cloth Appendix for this kind. Another one with Dragon has reviewed long time ago. We have all these 2 items got reviewed. Check out the details from it.

Product Link

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lost Canvas Myth Cloth Pegasus Tenma Review

After the Lost Canvas Bennu Kagaho review uploaded, we now post another lost canvas figure. Bandai has released 2 myth cloth for Lost Canvas. Maybe it's due to the popularity of this video is not good as original saint seiya anime. Anyway, we post all these 2 figures for our friends from reviewing. Enjoy the Show and thx to Sgtlopez25 great work on this.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kidslogic Cosmos Burning Collection (CBC) Dragon Shiryu Review

This cute version Dragon review is from another vendor - Kidslogic. The style is different from the Myth Cloth Series. Check out the details. Enjoy!! Product link

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kidslogic Cosmos Burning Collection (CBC) Cygnus Hyoga

This cute version Seiya review is from another vendor - Kidslogic. The style is different from the Myth Cloth Series. Check out the details. We would have CBC Hyoga and Dragon review in coming days. Enjoy!!

Product link

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kidslogic CBC Pegasus Seiya Night Display View

This cute version Seiya review is from another vendor - Kidslogic. The style is different from the Myth Cloth Series. Check out the details. We would have CBC Hyoga and Dragon review in coming days. Enjoy!!

Product link

Monday, March 19, 2012

Myth Cloth Poseidon Royal Ornament Edition

We posted the Poseidon Deluxe version this time. Want to know more details, please check the video.

Product link

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Myth Cloth Appendix Gold Object Mode Mini Set Review

Pls check with the video on the tamashii object mode mini set. This set includes all 12 zodiac object mode but with smaller size than myth cloth. Let our expert - Sgtlopez25 show you the gimmick of this wonderful set. Enjoy!

Product link

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Myth Cloth Tamashii Nation OCE Scorpio Milo Appendix

We now post the Scorpio Milo OCE Appendix. This is the appendix product of myth cloth Scorpio Milo but with the comics color version. When you add this product onto the myth cloth. It would make it look more smart and with the comics color scheme. Improvements have been added for this product.

Product link

Saint Seiya Omega HQ Trailer Teaser Bande Annonce 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Lyumnades Kasa Review

         When you start out a collection, you have one figure that is very hard to find most of the time.  This was the case with Lyumnades, one of the most looked for figures of the Poseidon line.  Today I was able to get my hands on one to complete my collection and with great pride I’m able to review this figure for all of you out there.  So let’s gets started on one of the best Poseidon figures of the Poseidon line.

The box is a standard Poseidon marine green color with the picture of the figure on the front and the animated form of the figure as well.  On the side you see this box is a book style kind of package and you can see on the top it says “Saint Cloth Myth” and on the bottom it says “Lyumnades Scale” with a picture of the object mode in the middle.  On the back you see the picture of the figure doing different kind of poses and the object mode picture as well.  When you open the book style package, you can see it has two side window package, and on the top it says General and on the bottom is says kasa.

When you open the package, you see there are two buster cards on this package.  On the left side you have the figure itself with all his armor parts, and most of his hands.  On the right side of the package you see the skeleton of the object mode and the rest of the armor for the figure.  The instruction manual is very easy to follow and if you have done saint seiya figures before you will be very familiar with the layout.

Doing the object mode was very simple.  The objects construction took around 10 minutes to make.  The object looks very nice and it has a very nice aesthetic.  Doing the figure itself it’s not a hassle as well.  The figure took around 10 minutes to make as well and most of this figure is metal.  The helmet and the waist are the only plastic parts on this figure.  This raises and alarm if you are buying this figure for children.  All the spikes that you see on this figure are full metal and are very dangerous to play with.  Be very careful when you let kids handle the figure as it does pose a potential danger to the child.  The figure is very beautiful and the way it was constructed the aesthetic is very nice.  The figure looks exactly like the animation and its very true to the original design.  The colors are very vivid and very nice to have and you can see different tones with the figure. The figure looks kind of strange without his helmet but with it, this figure looks fantastic.

Overall this figure is just one to have.  This figure is very rare on the market but with good reason.  It is one of the well-made generals that I have assembled in a long time.  This figure deserves a solid 10.  From perfection, too easy to make assembly, this figure is just a win in all my areas of observation.

Thank you ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

(English) Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Aquarius Camus OCE Appendix Review.mp4

We now post the  Aquarius Camus OCE Appendix. This is the appendix product of myth cloth  Aquarius Camus but with the comics color version. When you add this product onto the myth cloth. It would make it look more smart and with the comics color scheme. Improvements have been added for this product.

Product link

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bandai Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Tamashii Fake Sagittarius Cloth Galaxy War...

Today, we have posted Tamashii limited Fake Sagittarius. This is limited edition and would not be reproduced since Mar, 2011. Our expert - Sgtlopez25 has reviewed this product in great details. Come and check it out. Hope you enjoy!

Product Link

[Restock] Seiya Myth Sajitarias Cloth Tamashii Web Shop Limited

[Restock] Seiya Myth Sajitarias Cloth Tamashii Web Shop Limited is now available in iShop2go. Please visit​productUR_014_PR_0000189_Prt_en​.html

The 3rd Black Ikki Gift Point Winner!!

[Gift Point] Our last Black Ikki Gift Point promotion was over. The winner is from USA in which takes 40 mins time from sold out. Congratulations!! We hope you would be our next Gift Point Winner. Come and check us for the latest GP offering. Enjoy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Leo Aioria Review

After Aries Mu review, we have posted Leo Aioria this time. Please check for the details.

Product link

Friday, March 9, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Poseidon Royal Ornament Edition Review

As the last of the Poseidon figures I have gotten to finish my collection, this one was the one I was waiting for, for a long time.  As we reviewed before the Poseidon Regular edition, today we are going to focus more on the differences of each figure and what extra stuff you get with this great figure.  Most of you are acquainted with the old figure and the royal edition will not be a different shock than the other one.  So let’s look at this figure and see what you are about to get.

    For starters, we have the box.  The box is about twice as big as the original and you can see differences in the figure already.  The box is a standard marine green and has the picture of Poseidon and his armor on the front.  As you can tell the armor has a color change to a darker tone metal and his hair is blond.  On the back of the package the figure has many poses but the major differences are that this figure has a thrown to sit at.  It also has a lot of color changes, as well as a trident stand and his cape is red in color.  But that is the major changes on the box; let’s go see the inside of the figure.

    As for the inside, we have 2 big plates on each side. On the left side we have the figure with most of his armor and hands, we also have his robe and parts of the thrown of the figure.  On the right side we have the skeleton of the object mode, his trident with a ribbon now, missing parts of the armor of the figure, another plate for the rest of the parts of the thrown and that’s it.  You also get his new red cape on the right side as well.  The object mode is the same as easy as the other object mode.  As you see this is a human form of a cloth and object, the transformation is not difficult.  Maximum to make the figures object mode is about 10 minutes.  It is a solid figure with great looks for the object mode.

    Now let’s go to the main point.  The changes on this figure are that he has a robe, the robe is made of very soft silk and it’s very nice to feel the texture.  It is easy to put on the figure and it’s very nice to display him this way because the robe is a very nice addition to the figure.  You also see a major change on the armor, his colors are darker and it has a better look to it.  In my opinion the armor looks way better than the original and it’s a very nice addition to the armor.  The color of his hair is also a major change, as he has blond hair as like on the anime.  This is very weird of this is the first time you see Poseidon in this color form, but I totally like it, it looks more classy in my point of view.  The cape is also red and not white, and that makes the figure look even better than the original cloth.  The trident has a purple ribbon around it which the original did not have; it kind of gets on the way but it’s a nice addition.  The other new addition for this figure is the thrown.  This looks fantastic and when you put the figure on the thrown it’s great, this was a very well needed addition to the collection as most collections have a thrown of the main character of some kind. 

    The only bad part is the same bad points it had with the old armor.  The skirt is very unstable on the pegs, and the legs still don’t want to stay in position with the armor.  Parts of the armor interfere with each other and that is not good.  You would think Bandai would fix the mistakes it did on the figure but they just did the same mold and didn’t fix the old problems the other mold had.  This is very disappointing but Bandai knows we are still going to buy it with the defects.

    Overall this figure is a great addition.  If you are wondering to get this figure or the original one, I say get both!  Both look great but if you had to choose, I would go with this one, it has more for your money and it’s a great figure.  For me this figure gets a 9.5/10!

Thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and as always!

Hong Kong Exclusive Edition Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Pope Shion Review

We have this exclusive item for you from introduction. This item is exclusive made by Hong Kong in which is the prize of the 12 Zodiac Myth cloth reproduction re-run. The Pope Shion can only be collected if customers collect all 12 Zodiac Myth Cloth tickets. It is rare and hard to find in other market. Let's our seiya figure expert Sgtlopez introduce you what are the gimmick point of it.

Get this and more at Product link is

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Aries Mu Review

After Cancer Deathmask review, we have posted Aries Mu this time. Please check for the details.

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Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Leo Aioria Appendix Review

We have posted the Aries Mu Appendix. This is the appendix product of myth cloth Leo Aioria. When you add this product onto the myth cloth. It would make it look more smart. Improvements have been added for this product.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

~60% Discount Off Gift Point Black Ikki will soon start

[~60 Off Gift Point] Our third and last Black Ikki Gift point will soon start. Please go there and check The discount offering will be valid ONLY if the counter clock becomes "ZERO".

Want to be the next Gift Point Winner. Don't hesitate to join us!! Cheers.

2nd 60% discount off Gift Point is over. The Winner is from....

[Gift Point] The 2nd Gift Point is over. He is from Australia. Want to be the next Winner?! Don't hesitate to take the last Black Ikki Gift Point chance. Thx for you all support to us.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Top 10 Selling in Feb, 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Welcome to

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Aries Mu Appendix Review

We have posted the Aries Mu Appendix. This is the appendix product of myth cloth Aries Mu. When you add this product onto the myth cloth. It would make it look more smart. Improvements have been added for this product.

Product link

Monday, February 27, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Cancer Deathmask Review

After Capricorn Shura review, we have posted Cancer Deathmask this time. Please check for the details.

Product link

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Capricorn Shura

Capricom Shura review is the one we upload today. Check it out for the details.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Taurus Aldebaran Review

After the announcement of the new Kamen rider and the gift point promotion of black ikki. We are now back to the review all 12 zodiac Golden myth cloth. We introduce Taurus Aldebaran this time. Hope you enjoy the show.

Product Link

Saint Cloth Myth EX Saint Seiya Pegasus

[Pre-Order] Saint Cloth Myth EX Saint Seiya Pegasus can pre-order @ iShop2go. Please visit

Friday, February 24, 2012

Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Harpy Valentine

It has been a long time since we had a hades figure come our way.  As I was finished with all my hades collection I was wondering when they would release a new figure for the series, and they did that on the year 2012.  It was a surprise they did Harpy, as it does not play a major role in the old saint seiya universe.  As some of the new fans of saint seiya, they know Harpy from the lost canvas episodes, but for us old people, those series don’t count.  But today we are going to review the new myth cloth and see if this figure is up to the standards of today’s saint seiya market.
          Starting with the box, the box is a purple black color as most hades figures are.  It has a picture of the figure itself on the front with the shot of the object mode on the bottom.  On the side it says “Saint Cloth Myth” and on the bottom it says “Harpy Spector”.  This box is a book style kind of package as the myth cloth are known for and loved all over the world.  On the back it’s kind of plain with not a lot of shots of the figure.  It shows you the figure with his helmet, or face piece, his cloth on, the object mode, and the figure doing some action poses. 
          As you open the package you see this figure has a standard 2 buster plates.  On the left side, we have the figure with all his armor and hands.  On the right side we have the wings with the skeleton of the object mode, and a small buster that is separated from the plate that contains the chest and small pieces for the waist part.  The manual is very straight forward and it’s not very hard to follow.  In fact, this is one of the first myth cloths from the hades chapter that was a very easy manual to follow as there is really no science to arm the figure.

          As I build the object mode it was easy.  The manual was straight forward and it was very easy to do.  In total I think I spend almost 10 minutes making the object mode, it’s that easy.  The object mode looks very elegant and very nice to look at.  It is a bit big around 7 inches when you extend the wings, but overall this object mode was very simple but very classy to look at.  Building the figure itself was very easy as well.  I say it took the same amount of time to do the figure as it did with the object mode.  The figure looks fantastic and it has a lot of die cast metal on his body.  One thing you do have to be aware is that this figure has a lot of sharp edges as he has many spikes or claws all over his armor.  Be very careful when you keep this on reach of children as they are very sharp, and they can stab themselves if they are not careful.  The armor is fantastic and it does not have major issues.  The wings are plastic and can extend if you pose them right.  You start noticing balance issues when you extend the wings, but this is only natural when you shift the point of balance of the figure.  The figure looks fantastic, the combination of black and dark purple looks great, as all specters do.  The parts that are metal in this figure are his arms, legs, chest, and the mid part of the skirt.  The plastic parts of this figure are the face piece, the waist, some parts on the arm, and the spikes on the hands and the wings.  Overall this figure is just a great addition to your collection.  He does come with a swappable face that it’s screaming, but due to the fact that I don’t like that face that much, I did not put it on my figure.
          This figure has a great feel to it.  He is one of the most simple to make and very fast to do figures when you put his armor on. If you are just starting to collect saint seiya, I totally recommend getting this one for yourself to get a taste of the collection.  In total I have to give this figure a 9.5/10.  Sure there are some balance issues with the extensions of the wings but overall this figure is just perfect.  From his wild hair to his awesome armor, this figure is one for the ages.

Thanks for ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember…


Monday, February 20, 2012

60% off iShop2go Gift Point Promotion ~ Black Phoneix Ikki

Hey everyone its deal time again! This time it’s the Saint Seiya action figure Black Phoenix Ikki at 60 percent off! This is an amazing figure, and with this price it’s an amazing deal! If you’re a Saint Seiya fan YOU WANT THIS FIGURE! There will be three chances at this great deal so keep an eye on our countdown clock and good luck!
you can visit:GiftPoint: Saint Cloth Myth Black Phoneix Ikki @ 60% OFF

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Gemini Saga and Pope Review

This new review is about Gemini Saga. Check it out for the details.

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Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Harpy Valentine Review

Other than the Pisces Aphrodite review, we have the latest myth cloth review from Sgtlopez25 - Harpy Valentine. This is the current month release. Want to check the details and gimmick? Find out all here in this video. Enjoy the show!!

Product Link

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bandai Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Pisces Aphrodite Review

After checking the Milo myth cloth and appendix, i would post Pisces Aphrodite today. Although there is no news for the Myth Cloth EX production, we think it would soon make it by Bandai. Keep watching our video and news. We would let you know when news come.

Enjoy the show!!

Product Link

Friday, February 17, 2012

Saint Seiya Mith Cloth Scorpio Milo Appendix Review

Today, I have posted the Milo Appendix. This is the supplementary of the myth cloth Milo we reviewed yesterday. This kind of merchandise aims to make the related myth cloth caught up the latest manufacturing means. After adding this Appendix, myth cloth Milo would have improved outlook and movability that original never have.

Product Related link

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Scorpio Milo Review

Long time no see. My friend. I would start posting Sgtlopez25 review. The coming videos concerns on Golden 12 Zodiac. Let me post the Scorpio Milo review first. So you all can check that gimmicks before you purchase the EX. Although they are different product, you may have the preview of myth cloth product looks like. Enjoy

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Polaris Hilda Review

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Polaris Hilda Reviewa
          One of the most memorable characters from the Asgard saga would be Polaris Hilda.  She is the main plot mover on the series and without her the series would not have been as good as it was back in the days when the show was airing.  Almost 15 years since here appearance in the show, Bandai has made a figure of her finally, and today she is one of the hardest ones to find in the market for your saint seiya collection.  But today I was finally able to get my hands on her and we are now going to review this figure in more detail.

          So as you know this figure is a mail in order figure.  As a website shop limited, she is a very hard figure to find but not impossible.  As you see the box, the box is not a book style package.  As you all know the mail in or the exclusive are always solid package.  As you see the front of the box, you see a shot of the figure itself, and the box has the nice dark night blue that most Asgard God warriors have on these packages.  On the side it shows a shield and not an object mode as a picture, as you know Hilda does not have an object mode.  On the top of the side it says Saint Cloth Myth and on the bottom it says Polaris Hilda.  On the back they show you shots of how to pose this figure, they show you the throne and the different cloths this figure comes with.  It comes with a white dress, some chains, her red skirt and her body armor, harpoon or lance as you want to call it, the Odin Sword, and many accessories for the figure itself.  So that is it for the box let’s look at the plates really quick.

          So if you were looking for many plates, this figure has only one.  One thing that was a shocker for me is that the figure comes completely naked and has not fabric on her.  As I see the body at a glance I can see that she has a very big chest area and this could be proportion problems later on.  As you know Hilda does not appear to have big breast on the series but we have to see if these big breasts are going to make this figure look different.  On the plate you see her lance, the body armor she wears and all her hands and different hairs and faces.  The rest of the package comes underneath the figure.  It’s just 2 pieces of cardboard and on one side it has the throne parts and on the other it has all the fabric parts.  So that is it for the package let’s review the figure.

          So she has 2 types of hairs here.  One is for you to display with no head gear and the other one is.  To my surprise, the figure looks fantastic on the face and the hair is made so nice.  They even give you a sit down hair for you don’t have the same problem as I had with Athena that you could not sit her down straight cause of her hair.  This is a very nice touch by Bandai and I’m very happy with this addition.  The faces to my knowledge look great.  I think they look great with her nice face and the evil face looks the same as the anime.  I think Bandai did a fantastic job here and deserves a price. The white dress fits her well.  On the instructions they tell you to pop the half of the body to fit all the fabric right, and with this addition I think it’s a very good idea.  As you put the white dress on, you can’t really tell she is big chested until you pull the dress and see that she is.  The chains on the dress are very easy to put on so its not as hard as you think it will be.  So I took off her dress and put her battle ornament armor on her.  After I put her red skirt and the battle armor and her black cape, this figure looks very classy.  The chest problem is gone and she looks normal like the anime and not big breasted.  I did have some trouble putting the cape on her but nothing that would break the figure.  Overall this figure looks fantastic and with everything put together, she is something to admire at your collection.  The throne as I build it has this nice white with ice blue color that makes the throne looks super cool.  With the addition of the sitting hair they give you she can sit on the throne and look awesome doing it.

          Overall this figure is a must buy for any saint seiya collector.  This figure is very hard to find but if you do get your hands on her for a good price I say go and get it.  For this figure I give it a solid 9.5 out of 10 rating and as a collector I’m very happy with this figure.

          Thanks to Ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember everybody…

you can visit:
Bandai Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Phakda Thor
Bandai Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth Polaris Hilda

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Lyumnades Kasa Review

New video review today. Thx for our expert - Sgtlopez25, he has already made a review on myth cloth Kasa. Hope you enjoy the content.

Product detail link

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Top 10 Selling in Jan, 2012

This video display the top 10 ranking in gkgundamkit.for the previous selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Saori Kido (Athena) Review

Over that past years the saint seiya universe has been part of many collectors’ lives and there is always one figure that just has to be in your collection.  Today we are going to review the saint seiya figure of Saori Kido also known as Athena from saint seiya.  As you know this character is the main damsel in distress and without her the plot would not move.  Some people do not like this character as well as she is very selfish with the saints in the beginning and well it’s understandable some people feel pity for the saints on the beginning parts of the series.  Today we are going to look over the 2009 Bandai release of this figure and see if she is up to standard for your collection.

The first thing we notice is the box; it is a solid package with no openings.  This figure is a Tamashii web shop limited item and that’s why she has a solid box.  It has a great picture of the character in the front with a solid gray stone box and with some pink or purple trims on all sides.  On the side of the box you see it says Saint Seiya Myth Cloth on the top and on the bottom it says Saori Kido.  On the back they show you a preview of everything you are going to get in this package which we are going to review later on this review.  Overall the back display is not bad at all.  So that was a quick look at the box.  Now let’s look at the contents inside.          

When you open the box you see this figure has 3 plates.  Keep in mind this figure does not have an object mode and no metal parts what so ever in this figure.  In plate number one, you see the figure with all her accessories.  She comes with two neck pieces, a hair piece, and two different kinds of hairs, her white dress, her staff, and the jar she trapped Poseidon in.  She also comes with 2 mid pieces for her waist and an extra face with her eyes closed.  On plate number 2, you have most of her throne parts which look fantastic.  On plate number 3 you have the big jar for recreation of the hades chapter when she is trapped and bleeding.  You have the extra hair for Athena to simulate the pose on the jar when she’s trapped.  In the instruction manual it’s very small and with good reason.  There is nothing hard in this figure you can’t build.  It shows you how to replace her hair, make the thrown, make the jar and how to pose her, and that’s it.  Now it’s time to review the figure and see if it’s worth your time. Now looking at this figure, the first thing you going to see that is wrong is her chest area.  This area is super big and in no way or fashion on the series was she big breasted.  You can see half of her breasts on the side of the dress and well for a perfectionist collector this will be a flaw on likeness.  But other than that, when you see the figure she looks stunning.  The dress is a nice soft fabric and very detailed in every area.  The hair is very smooth and very nice to look at.  The swapping of heads is very easy and the accessories this figure has are very nice to build.  The staff is very nice to make and very solid.  This figure also comes with her unique stand if you want to display her without her thrown.  This is a good addition cause for some reason this figure does not stand on her own.  As we look at the body, she has the same body type like Pandora or Hilda.  The body is very smooth but the ankles are very weak and cannot support all the stuff the figure carries with her, even though it’s all plastic.  The thrown or the stand is a good option, and as the stand goes under the dress, you won’t be able to notice it on your display.  The thrown on this character is fantastic.  The only thing I would wish they would do is that the gold parts of the thrown should have been chrome gold.  As of right now the parts are a solid plain gold and its looks ok, but it would look better with the chrome parts.  And last we go to the killing vase as some of you call it.  The big jar that you can put Athena to recreate the Hades Chapter.  The figure can fit on this jar but in the instructions they tell you to put her inside to recreate the seen.  But if you just put her sleeping head on her vase hair, you can have her on the vase and on the thrown; it’s a very good option.  The only thing it was very sad to see is that the vase when you put it together has a big seem line in the middle and it takes the aesthetic look away from the vase.  The vase is great and looks the same as the anime but it would have been better if they had made it with not such a big seem line.  It would also be beneficial if they vase would have come with a bit of red, to recreate her bleeding but I guess Bandai was aiming this figure for kids, even though there market is adults.  But overall the vase is a solid win and looks great next to my hades.

So in the end should you buy it?  And the answer is YES!  It is a very great figure and it has great accessories and visuals that make any saint seiya collection stand out.  As I stated before a major flaw is the big breast she has but if you can look pass that, this figure is one that will make your collection shine.

Overall I give this figure a 9 out of 10 and I totally recommend it.
Thank you to Ishop2go for letting me review this figure and remember…